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H B Sale summer lane


Staff member
heres another one ready for the bulldozers...h b sale....bottom of summer lane just before constitution hil...they made commemorative medals and trophies..this building suffered a bad fire some time ago but i cant be sure if they had closed down before or after it....i was given permission to take these photos by the site manager and to remove anything which i thought may be of interest in the historial sense...

WHY YOU LUCKY.......................

Good job Lyn, did you come away with anything worth saving? I'd like to think there was something in there after all these years.

Nice work

Neil :)
hi neil..not too much but still worth having...promotional combs.a few blank medals...1 blank trophy..stock taking book..postal receipt book..gift boxes.. leaflets showing designs of medals..a few other bits and bobs but the best was the old index cards dated 1951...not that old to some but old enough i think...

its always pay to ask but really i think they just felt sorry for me...lol

hi neil..not too much but still worth having...promotional combs.a few blank medals...1 blank trophy..stock taking book..postal receipt book..gift boxes.. leaflets showing designs of medals..a few other bits and bobs but the best was the old index cards dated 1951...not that old to some but old enough i think...

its always pay to ask but really i think they just felt sorry for me...lol


I hate you
no you dont...lol...ok i will bring you comb to the meet up....now stop yer sulking....

oh this is what i had to climb over to get to get to that door..

I hate you

Frothy, I second that motion. Oh well, lets see how many guns I can find on my return to Westley Richards at the weekend! I hope none to be honest!
Sounds like you came away with quite a collection, well done Lyn, it's always worth saving stuff if you can do it legally!

good luck with your mission neil..im having a break for a couple of weeks..been out most days this week...but i will carry the small camera just in case i see anything of interest....
