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great hampton row


Staff member
The Vampire Great Hampton Row,demolished in the 1920s.


  • The Vampire.Great Hampton Row at the corner of Tower St.Demolished in 1920s.jpg
    The Vampire.Great Hampton Row at the corner of Tower St.Demolished in 1920s.jpg
    413.7 KB · Views: 62
hey moss thats a great pic of the vampire...not seen that before...here is the one ive got but i think me caption must be wrong as its says its in gt hampton st...

Hi Lyn,you may be right.I have read that it was on the corner of Gt Hampton Row and Tower St,although in the picture it does not seem to be on a corner.If Mike reads this maybe he can help.Moss
George Fisher barbers,corner of Gt Hampton Row and New John St West.


  • Gt Hampton Row.Hockley.George Fisher,barber corner Gt Hampton Row and New John St West..bmp
    1.2 MB · Views: 98
i agree mosss it dont seem like a corner...i have a funny feeling that this pub was up for disscussion some time back but i cant remember the outcome now lol...i think it was mike who sorted it out...

Star and Garter,corner of Brearley Street


  • Gt Hampton Row,Brearley St.Hockley.Star and Garter..jpg
    Gt Hampton Row,Brearley St.Hockley.Star and Garter..jpg
    467 KB · Views: 96
always loved that pic of the barbers moss..hard to get pics of that end of the street...

star and garter is rare...good to see you back posting....

Great photos. Would that be The Minerva on the bottom left of the picture in #1?
I worked at the Bham Box just opposite the pub in about 1969 but apart from the pub itself i can,t think what else was there.
thanks mike....sorted...

hi topsy no its not the minerva that was further down...spent many a long hour in that pub in the early 80s...the building is still there but no longer a pub...think i may have a pic somewhere of it...

Below is a c 1889 map showing the Vampireat 33 Gt Hampton Row in red (appropriate). The pub is not named on the map, but curiously Vampire Yard, behind, is named

My Brother in law used to be the owner of The Minerva Vaults, unfortunately he has passed and there was no photos..
thats it mike i remember now....thanks for jogging my memory..as we thought the vampire was not on a corner..

thanks mike you are a star.

im just trying to think of the gaffers name when i used the minerva...think it was john...i heard he had passed away some years back now..
moss if you look at mikes map..the vampire was at no 33..just up from there you can see albion works marked out....ive posted a pic of it on post 2...

Lyn i do believe that if you look at your picture of Albion works, directly under WORKS you can see where the half circle was on the original Vampire signage .Moss
Thanks for your help Mike.It's hard to believe i walked past the building hundreds of times on my way to and from work.Moss
Lyn i do believe that if you look at your picture of Albion works, directly under WORKS you can see where the half circle was on the original Vampire signage .Moss

sorry moss but i cant see where the half circle was on the albion works pic....help lol...
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I can still see it Lyn.In fact on your picture of ALBION WORKS,after the word WORKS it has 33,which ties in with Mike's post stating The Vampire was No 33.moss
i must go to spec savers then moss lol....i can see the no 33 but still cant spot the half circle.....bit confused really as the albion works pic was taken in the 50s and your caption says the vampire was demolished in the 1920s...what a name for a pub though...and to have a vampire yard is spooky lol

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moss just a bit more info...ive just looked at my 1897 kellys and as mike has said before the vampire is not listed under its name but at no 33 i have a reuban brown beer retailer and next door at no 34 we have a thomas knight pork butcher which explains all the meat hanging in the entry in my pic of the vampire...

I think I can spot it under the 'Works' at the far right of the photo. The Large door is where the original doorway and large window were.


I have tweaked the contrast to emphasise the area better. Looks as if there had been quite a lot of brickwork redone around that part.
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morning bernie...right i can now see what moss is thinking maybe the half circle saying the vampire but i dont think it is as because as i said earlier the pub was demolished in the 1920s and my pic of the albion works was taken in the 50s...i think the vampire building would have been just out of shot on my pic...

I see it exactly was Bernie does.Lyn as far as the Vampire being demolished,the article that stated that also wrongly said it was on the corner of Tower street.moss
hi moss maybe mike could help here..if you are right does this mean that the vampire pub became part of the albion works then..if you look at my pic of the pub there is an entry next to it on the left and i cant see that entry on the albion works pic...i always thought that the vampire was about 3 buildings to the right of the albion works...

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