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Glover - Icknield Port Rd/ Dudley Rd 1880s-1920s


New Member
I would love to hear if anyone has any connection or information on Edwin Francis Glover. He lived & had a buisness in Icknield Port Rd in the 1880s.
His buisness moved to 283 Dudley road around 1890 called Edwin Glover Art Metal.
He had 2 sons Albert Francis Glover & Frank Glover which took over the buisness after his death in 1905. Albert married a girl called Catherine Dawson the daugter of Francis who owned the tobacconist at 70 Dudley Rd.
Hi spen
here was a family of dawsons whom lived at 107 gillott rd just of dudley rd there was a family of four or five girls
and one brother by th name of morris whom thre family orinated from oldam lancs and later in years emigrated to califonea
in amercica i beleive the one daughter came back to england her name was irene dawson and there was a glenda ; and marion
i cannot remember the parents name now but they was very strict parents
i can only say this may or not be a starting block for you to see whom there parents was incidently irenie came back to brum but soon went back
to the family roots o oldam at the time i knew them ireneie used to asked me regular wouldi wait until she was twenty one as her parents was strict and he was addament no daughter would get married before that age as i have said it may or not be any hel or connections
but may be our experts can do a check or may be not but living in gillott rd and the bussines on dudley rd is just the bottom of gillott rd really best wishes astonian
Ok thanks very much for that information, I will try and investigate it Further. I have since found out that Maud Dawson ( Catherines Dawson's sister ) run the Tobacconist at 70 Dudley for quiet a long time after her Farthers death as my Aunty can remember her in the 1930s.
Also Catherine Dawson & her Husband Albert Francis Glover lived at 83 Winson St.
Hi spen
just rescramling my thoughts from boy hood days to my recollection there was only three tobanists on dudly rd
and to me the first in line in my mind is the one at we call was at the beginning of dudly rd which was the main tobbaco shop
where i would buy four little cigs called dominos in a paper packet he had all and every think to do with fafs pipes and cigars you name it they stocked it
and that was about four or five shops from the spring hill libary facing the libary but saying that if i recall dudley rd hospital which is named the city hospital was called 77 dudley rd and i cannot just think of how the numbers went in sequence now but across the rd there was a tobbacoist
almost each end of the hospital frontage gates about 200 yards apart the one in later years changed and became a bed and break fast cafe
which was next to the birmingham arms pub which was there for years and the oher one was about two or three hundred yards along the rd on the same time
just passing st patricks schol and church it was a catholic church
and if you cross the rd you was facing aberdeen stret but if you walked about a quarter or just short you would come to winson street
which was off heath street so taking on board that dudley rd hospital and may i add was where i was born by a dr tracy and surgeon was 77
the shop would be one or the other hope that helps best wishes astonian