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Gillott Road Edgbaston


Kentish Brummie Moderator
Staff member
This photo is for sale on eBay. It's Gillott Road, but not recognisable as such. It must have been taken just before the buildings were demolished. Any ideas where it might have been on Gillott Road? It's possible it's near a junction as you can see the rear of some houses to the left side.


Are yousure its Gillott road Viv. there are very few houses on the road on the c1889 map, and none that seem to fit this layout (two cottages slightly set back next to another going to edge of pavement), though this could have changed of course. but buildings look as if they would be pretty old to me
Thanks for checking maps Mike. Can't be sure it's Gillott Road. The seller claims its Gillott Road but it doesn't look like it to me either but afraid there's no more information given about it. Viv.
Possibly the houses just in Rotton Park Rd off Gillott Rd? - see 1890 1:2500 mapping on Old Maps - houses look to be similar vintage to Rotton Park Farm - see image on Birminghamimages org website (search Rotton Park Farm).
Thanks Malvernian. Do you mean these buildings (red dot) backing onto the railway embankment? The photo shows front doors to 4 dwellings and there are 4 houses on the map. But I have a big question about the outbuildings to the right which don't show up on the map.

I've also tried to make the outline of the buildings to the left in the photo a bit sharper, but not very successfully. If the old houses disappeared about the same time as the Rotton Park Farm buildings, it would be about 1903. If it is the houses on the map, and the photo is around 1900ish there's about 10 years difference between the map and the photo. I don't think the outbuildings to the right would have been built during that time, as they look too dilapidated in the photo.

Also including photo of Rotton Park farm buildings you mentioned from Birmingham Images site. Thanks. Viv.


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Viv, yes, those were the buildings of which I was thinking but, as you say, the outbuildings don't tie up - neither does the frontage line (bay-type windows shown on the 1:2500 scale mapping) - I was just "clutching at a straw" based on the style of the building on your photo. How about the buildings in the background of the farm photo? Also at the time of the mapping (1890) there is another cluster of cottages shown at the junction of Portland Road.
Bill (married 1971 at Christ Church - a bit further down Gillott Road!)
Thanks Malvernian. Do you mean these buildings (red dot) backing onto the railway embankment? The photo shows front doors to 4 dwellings and there are 4 houses on the map. But I have a big question about the outbuildings to the right which don't show up on the map.

I've also tried to make the outline of the buildings to the left in the photo a bit sharper, but not very successfully. If the old houses disappeared about the same time as the Rotton Park Farm buildings, it would be about 1903. If it is the houses on the map, and the photo is around 1900ish there's about 10 years difference between the map and the photo. I don't think the outbuildings to the right would have been built during that time, as they look too dilapidated in the photo.

Also including photo of Rotton Park farm buildings you mentioned from Birmingham Images site. Thanks. Viv.
This photo is for sale on eBay. It's Gillott Road, but not recognisable as such. It must have been taken just before the buildings were demolished. Any ideas where it might have been on Gillott Road? It's possible it's near a junction as you can see the rear of some houses to the left side.


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This image is currently on eBay (23/2/20) and described as Gillette Road. The seller also has one looking down the whole of Stanmore Road from Hagley Road. I have a very similar one (a sent postcard) of Gillott Road, presumably taken on the same day, which looks down Gillott Road in the exact same way, a few houses down from the top. I think the postmark on the back reads 1928, though for some reason I think I saw the date 1919 for the Stanmore Road one, which'd mean the Gillott Road one was likely 1919 too. My sister lived her childhood from 1947 on Gillott Road, and my childhood from 1957 was lived there. We were brought up in an old people's home at Nos 312/314 called GRAYHURST, named after my grandmother, Mrs J. Gray, in between the junctions with Portland and Rotton Park roads. The gate to the old allotments which looked down onto the old railway line (now the Harborne Walkway) was directly opposite our semi-detached house.


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