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freeman rd, nechells


master brummie
could anyone help me with any pics.. freeman rd, in nechells, also stork pub was onthe corner, is the rd, still ther.. thankyou ;-)
Hi Pinky

Sorry, no pics of Freeman rd. Part of it remains, but none of the old houses or buildings and the Stork pub has gone. I'll look through my collection for you, but I'm afraid I won't be able to reply until after the Bank Holiday.

Hi Pinky

Sorry, no pics of Freeman rd. Part of it remains, but none of the old houses or buildings and the Stork pub has gone. I'll look through my collection for you, but I'm afraid I won't be able to reply until after the Bank Holiday.


Morning Phil,

were you able to find any pictures of Freeman Road as I too am looking for the same thing.
hi derek..just found these two pics if they are of use to you...

pics courtesy of carl chinn..
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Thanks for those 2 pics Lyn

Is it possible that the Brittania was once the stork inn??
my rellies lived next door to stork inn in Freeman Road at no 43, according to the 1911 census.

On which John has gone into great detail listing not only occupations of family members but the companies they actualy worked for.
Even the childrens schools were listed as, Little Green Lane, Lingard Street & Loxton(?) Street
John worked as an iron work painter at Saltley Works.
How complete & wonderful is that !
hi derek..i wondered that as the stork had been mentioned...hopefully one of our nechells experts will be able to answer that for you...although thinking about it if your rellies lived at no 43 i wouldnt have thought the stork was a corner pub...

hi again derek..ive got pics of the stork pub but the captions say its goodrick st nechells...dont know if this is the same one that your rellies lived next door to as this stork is definately on a corner...

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You may well be right Lyn
Unles it was the last house in that street before it turned a corner, we may never know.
Have just written to Dave Hall who it seems is in Sth Africa ( on this site) as he appears to have a picture but cannot email it to us via site he says, plus my email to him yesterday keep bouncing back as undelivered and his PM to me asking for my email address has vanished too.

I have seen, when searching there is another who is looking for this same thing.
Fingers crossed, will be patient.
The Brittania was at 157 Nechells Place, at the corner with freeman Rd, and the Stork was at 43 Freeman Rd near the corner to Goodrich St.
hi again derek..ive got pics of the stork pub but the captions say its goodrick st nechells...dont know if this is the same one that your rellies lived next door to as this stork is definately on a corner...


Thanks Lyn

I wonder if on a corner, the "other Road" is indeed Goodrick Street, I do not have old map to hand to see layout for those times.
The address I have from 1911 is Freeman Road is certainly in Nechells too.
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The Brittania was at 157 Nechells Place, at the corner with freeman Rd, and the Stork was at 43 Freeman Rd near the corner to Goodrich St.

thanks Mike
If my rellies say on 1911 census they were at 43 Freeman Road, I am thinking "did they live over the pub"

The Stork Public House Freeman St, I used this pub a couple of times as I had a mate who lived in Goodrich St in the 60's. I didn't think much of the beer.
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Thanks so much,
can I ask one sill question,
is Freeman Road shown on left or right.
Just checking which house my rellies may have been in as it is such a brilliant picture.
Thanks again

Sparkhill Lad

As far as I remember Freeman Rd ran up to the left of the photo, up to Nechells place and Goodrich St ran from the right of the pub (and Fowler St) down to Saltley Rd.

hi all
I just think it is fantastic how someone or other can come up with photo's, no matter how rare or obsolete they are on this great forum.
John --looking at your map i notice a street marked Tramway which is Bloomsbury St i don,t remembber trams in that Road (maybe my memory has faded) Can you tell me which route they took from where to where. i might have been i little young at the time. Dek
Hello Dek,
I was probably too young as well maybe one of our learned tram/bus experts can tell us.( the map is dated 1902).