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Fragile Lives

  • Thread starter Thread starter Wendy
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My husband has been in contact with an old school friend through FR named Ken Tracy his nick name was 'Sid'. Michael has been corresponding with him for about four years sending Jokes Photo's etc. This week he had an email from him but it wasn't him it was his son telling Michael he had passed away suddenly at the age of 62. This was such a shock we still can't believe it!
How sad for you and your Husband Wendy, my thoughts are with his family and the both of you. If there is one thing i have learnt this last week it is that life is precious and you never know when it's up. We have just lost my eldest sons friend, taken at the age of 21, God bless them both x
Wendy, How sad for both you and Michael.
Yes life is unpredictable at times....
I had an email off Les (Kandor) this week telling me that the Nursing Home had taken Mom for ex rays on her hands. She has 'carpal-tunnel syndrome' which is often operated on if the person is suffering pain. However as it has been determined that Mom is not in pain from it and is about to turn 90 in July an operation is out of the question, even though it would straighten her fingers an op' at that age is far too risky.
Also one of My Mom's goals in life was to live till she was over 90 years old
The last thing I thought I would be hearing at this time in her life was that My Mom may have needed an operation.

Chris/Pom :-)
Wendy,how right your heading is 'fragile lives'

10 years ago last Monday I was in my garden at 10.am drinking a cup of tea.I remember so clearly,I was thinking how blessed i was,what a beautiful sunny morning not a care in the world.
I got a phone call to go to Good hope immediately'No sorry they could not give me information'.
My sisters husband had gone to work at 7'30 and had died at 9am,she was devasted he was 57 (we were the same age)
He had never been ill in his life and had recently passed his medical for HGV1.
There was a history of a heart valve defect in his family and it is not detected until it is too late.Both his sisters died the same way.

Since that day I changed my whole outlook on life.
Life is definately too short and in some cases far too short.
Live it to the full and enjoy your families.
Chris,I do hope you Mom doesn,t suffer the pain from Carpal tunnel,Steve had it in both hands and he was in agony and having to take strong painkillers.
He was operated on both hands a few weeks apart,by local anaesthetic,and has not suffered since.
These stories are so sad. I suppose the young ones loosing their lives are the worst. I think this one for us had an effect because we had not even met for so many years.
Chris it must be so hard for you being so far away from your Mom. I am glad Les (Kandor) is still visiting and keeping you upto date, 90 is a fantastic milestone!
Alberta I lost my Dad at 57 with a heart attack my mother was 50 she lived until she was 86 and never wanted anyone else so stayed a widow. My brother has had a triple by pass and now my other brother sister and myself are all monitored. As I said life said fragile lives!
Alberta from what I saw of Mom in 2007 she may not have much feeling if any in her hands at all
She would soon let them know in some way if she did, she never was one to tolerate pain even short sharp pains. The air would be blue if she pricked her fingers while sewing, or hit her thumb with the hammer while mending our shoes.
Wendy Here's one of the latest photo's taken by Les for me the other day 16.6.09.
Strange really as My Dad died at only 49, Mom has lived almost twice as long, they were only just under a year apart in age.
View attachment 32839
I wonder if that's what I'll look like if I reach that age ?

Chris/Pom :-)
Sad indeed. I lost an old school friend when we were in our mid 30s, it seemed so unfair at that age, his young sons could not understand where their daddy had gone-or why.
The reality of life is that I now mostly see former work colleagues at the funerals of some of them, time is a great leveller, gets me depressed thinking of it.
Hi Wendy, sorry to hear about your sad news, do think they have a remake
of that film and call it "Four Funerals and a Wedding" That seems more like it nowadays, at least if I go tomorrow I am well past my three score
years and ten! We just have to take life one day at a time, yesterday has
gone and tomorrow never comes.Take care now Bernard
Wendy one good thing is they were back in touch after all those years. It is very sad indeed. About five weeks ago my son and husband lost a dear friend at the age of 46. He put up a brave fight [three times] but cancer won in the end. Life is so unfair sometimes but the loss of David Wild has had an impact on so many people as he was the most careing person one could ever have wished to have known and what a priviledge we knew him. He left a young son and two teenagers. Jean.
i realy feel for anyone who has lost some one close or friends at such early years i lost my dear mom at the age of 40 she had a heart attack i am 68 and still miss her but the pain doe's subside but the memories stay with you forever
I had a phone call juat an hour ago to say a cousin of mine who was 70, and a really nice bloke, had a sudden heart attack while driving, ran into another car and turned over and died, never had a heart problem in his life before, make every day count, you just never know what life has in store.