Be nice if someone recognises themselves on the photo Stitcher. Viv.
This is the description of the schools from British History online :
FOUR DWELLINGS COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Quinton.(27) Four Dwellings Council Sch. opened 1940 by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 648 SM, JI. SM dept. became separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.). JI divided into 2 depts. 1950.(21) Accom. 1961: 15 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)
FOUR DWELLINGS BOYS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Quinton. Became a separate sch. 1945 (see preceding sch.), as a M sch. New G sch. built and opened 1953 (see next sch.), and this sch. used for B only.(21) N.o.b. 1961: 455.(27)
FOUR DWELLINGS GIRLS' COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Quinton. Opened 1953 by Birm. C.B.C. (see preceding sch.).(21) N.o.b. 1961: 640.(27)