Three years ago near an ex-anti arcraft gun post in Essex a group of metal detectorists, known as Extreme Relic Hunters, unearthed over 14,000 metal dog tags belonging to WW2 amd post-WW2 soldiers. Ever since then, efforts have been made to return these to their rightful owners or their next of kin, and this is now really getting underway.
A searchable database of these has now been placed on the Extreme Relic Hunters website and you can enter either service number or surname of the soldier, and if you get a match, send an email for verification containing as many details as you know. You will obviously have a greater likelihood of success if you can match the service number and/or a not-so-common surname. The website address is:-
A searchable database of these has now been placed on the Extreme Relic Hunters website and you can enter either service number or surname of the soldier, and if you get a match, send an email for verification containing as many details as you know. You will obviously have a greater likelihood of success if you can match the service number and/or a not-so-common surname. The website address is:-