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Florence Street


master brummie
In the 1880's there was a Florence Square off Florence Street Birmingham.
In a previous post people pointed me towards the Horsefair and Holloway Head.

Has anyone seen a map that shows Florence Square?

Have been looking at the census returns for florence St, together with a 1890 map. I'm pretty sure that Florence Square was a sort of "Court" but with a wider entrance .I have marked it in orange on one of the attached maps. the more enlarged map shows my atribution of the houses in Florence Square. The reasoning is as follows:
Florence square is written in across the street name at right angles in the same way as "court next 9" and "court next 20" further down the street.
The enumerator did holloway Head, then the side streets in order. Immediately before Florence St was Ernest St. It is reasonable to assume that he progressed first down florence St on the side nearest Ernest St ( the right hand side on map), then up the other side.
Order of houses in census is:
Florence St 1-9 (alternate)
Court next 9
Cygnet place
Florence St 25, 6,8
Florence Square
Florence St 10-20
Court next 20
Florence St 22-56 (alternate some missing)
Florence Place (this again written at right angles and is presumably most northerley court on left hand side of map)
End of district 22

Cygnet place and courts are in about right position and as far as i can see this is the only explanation.
Am not so sure of numbering of the square, but this is my guess.
I'd be interested to know if there are many (or any) other "squares" like this.



Thanks Mikejee

Very usefull. Ive not seen any other squares like this. Compared to the usuall 'Court' system it would seem to waste some space. I wonder if the square was a speculative failed attempt to move up market or part of pre existing arrangement converted to housing?

Now I know a bit more I'll look for a photograph or drawing that might give clues.

Thanks again
Thanks for that mikejee. Just been through pretty much the whole site, revamp is a good one.

thanks again