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February 2013 edition Story of Ashted


master brummie
In the February edition there is a story about Ashted from Les Robinson, it was reprinted in the Birmingham Mail on Saturday, if anyone wishes to read it.
hi pollypops ;
many thanks for putting that up on the forum; i actualy redit some time ago ;
prior to you putting it on ; its a great story of our yester days ;
i actualy buy the mag every month o i am well geared up its full of our brum history and the old familys of yester years
i can really recommend the magerzine ; for one sevent five its a steal;
i wonder just do any other members of our forum buy it ; ? .
buy and see for your selfs ;you will get hooked ;
lets keep it alive i say ;go out and buy it ; and let our members put there memos and family on the map
especialy our old members i am sure they have great stories to tell and share with us ;
thanks again polly best wishes astonian;;
Amongst a collection of postcards that belonged to my grand mother,there are a number addressed to my grand father at 132 Ashted Row, the family name was Postlethwaite. I am sure that the daughter Clara went into service with a local doctor
Oh my goodness what date? My husbands grandparents name Partridge lived at 130 Ashted Row, this must have been next door. The houses on the opposite side of the road were large double kerb places mostly occupied by doctors.
What a coincidence,the postcard is dated 1914 but I have some others and I will check the date on them. The PC is from Aldershot Lines and shows the battle honours of The Rifle Brigade in which my grand fathers brother served.I also have the photograph that was displayed in the front window saying he answered his countries call.
Thanks for that in 1911 the family were in Heneage Street just around the corner. I am not sure when they moved to Ashted Row but were there in 1950. Michael remembers visiting his Aunt in Ashtead Row, their name was Bailey but not sure of the number. How I wish we could ask them. I would love to see the photo that was displayed in the window.
The Mansfield family were listed at 79 Ashted Row from 1945.Irene and Bert Bailey were listed with them in 1960.
Thank you ladylinda more research I think they must be part of the family. Michael's aunt and uncle were Ada and Bill Bailey. do you know when William and Sarah Partiridge moved to Ashted Row please.
I will try and scan the photo for you,but as you will appreciate it is getting on for 100 years old and the frame is rather fragile. Mathew who is the soldier on the photo was wounded twice in the first world war .He lived in Cotterills Lane until he died in 1939.The rest of the PC's are quite interesting there are approx 400 of them of various sorts including my grans 21st birthday and wedding day cards.My Gran lived in Adderley Road from the early 1900's until the house was demolished around 1980
Ada and Bill were listed at 86 Heneage Street 1945 -1960.
1945-1947 there was a Charles Partridge listed with them.
William and Sarah Ann Partridge were listed at 54 Heneage Street until 1935.
1939 to 1950 they were listed at 130 Ashted Row
I will try and scan the photo for you,but as you will appreciate it is getting on for 100 years old and the frame is rather fragile. Mathew who is the soldier on the photo was wounded twice in the first world war .He lived in Cotterills Lane until he died in 1939.The rest of the PC's are quite interesting there are approx 400 of them of various sorts including my grans 21st birthday and wedding day cards.My Gran lived in Adderley Road from the early 1900's until the house was demolished around 1980

How facinating 400 post cards wow you are so lucky. My husband lived in Ralph Road Saltley and remembers Adderley Road well. He also knows the houses that were demolished, they were called old but he never thought of them that way. If the photo is difficult to scan try photographing it just an idea. Thanks again:star:
Ada and Bill were listed at 86 Heneage Street 1945 -1960.
1945-1947 there was a Charles Partridge listed with them.
William and Sarah Ann Partridge were listed at 54 Heneage Street until 1935.
1939 to 1950 they were listed at 130 Ashted Row

Thank you so much Linda. Charles who was with Ada and Bill was Ada's brother. He eventually had his own house. Michael said he was always a bit strange,the family cooked his meals and looked after him. He ended his days in THE 80's in a family orchard in Evesham living in a caravan. Michael's grandparents, William and Sarah certainly moved around. They had 12 children one died in childhood and another in her 20's. The Bailey's and Michaels grandparents are buried at Witton in an area together by the memorial. cross.

Here is a photo of the Partridge children who grew up in this area. L-R Charlie, Alf, Minnie, Harold and Ada.

I will try a photo graph over the weekend I will also attempt to photograph the PC with the address and stamp on it
Yes I love this photo and remember them as adults, Michael's aunts and uncles. Nice to see the children who played in these streets as well.

205mal thank you for trying.
there were two or three doctors in the bottom half of ashted row we used dr tighes cellar has a bomb shelter during the war they tried to bomb the gas works which was just round the corner from there half of ashted row was taken up by shops the marble arch dance hall a chemist co op and various little shops so it was a well used area and a factory that i worked in called the forward press i lived in great brook street just round the corner
My aunt and uncle lived in Francis st, he had a builders yard, my cousins were Jenifer and Rodney Knowles. Was that off Ashted row?

Do you mean Francis Street or Great Francis St? Francis St was behind Ashted Row and ran parallel with it and Great Francis St continued on from Ashted Row and carried on down to Saltley Rd. Also it might help to know which end of the road.
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yes it carried on down to lister street anouther great shopping area snt mathews church was there that is where all my children were christened and i was married in 1950
I believe that church is where my mother and father got married, around 1946. They married there as my grandfather, my mothers father, was licensee of the Turks Head public house. I believe that was Bloomsbury St.

I still don't know if you mean Francis St or Great Francis St, the attached map shows them both. It also shows the location of the Turks Head on the corner of Bloomsbury St and Saltley Rd. I've attached a photo of the pub as well, although I believe there are others on here.


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Thanks for the map and pic.. I am not sure if it was Francis st, all I remember is the bus from town, down Coleshill St I believe. Then we got off and went up a road into the road my Aunt live, I think it was Francis St.
It sounds like Francis Street to me as the buses ran down Great Francis Street so there would have been no need to walk down another street, Si roughly what year are we talking about and there is anything else you can remember about the street?
Around early 50s, I was born 1948 so around time i was 5 to 10ish. On the corner of the road was a large tyre company. Not being much help, mind you its 10 at night here, getting sleepy. Few San Miguels doesnt help lol
Phil, looked at the map but cant see where my grandfathers pub was, bloomsbury st. Probably me, my eyes are getting worse.
It looks very like to me that your house was in the third quarter of Francis Street near the bend in the road. The only tyre company I know of around there was the Lodge Tyre Company on the junction of Bloomsbury St and Henry St, The premises backed on to Francis Street where it crossed over Henry St (see photo).

As for your uncles yard at 152 Francis St that would be just down from Willis St just about opposite the rear of the Ashted Cinema.


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    Nechells Bloomsbury St - Henage St 1950 .jpg
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I remember the Lodge tyre sign, almost opposite my uncles yard. I think you have the location spot on, going past his yard the road did bend.
Phil, looked at the map but cant see where my grandfathers pub was, bloomsbury st. Probably me, my eyes are getting worse.

The location of the Turks Head is marked on the map with a red X you do know if you click on the thumbnail it enlarges don't you?


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