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Elkington Street/Bracebridge Street 1930's to 1968


Wannabe Brummie Again
Does anyone out there know where I can get a map or pictures of Elkington Street or Bracebridge Street. My grandparents lived on Elkington Street from the mid 1930's to around 1968 when their home was compulsary purchased as part of the slum clearance?

Any help/advice gratefully received.
Hi madmomma
The map attached is a bit earlier than the period you are interested in, but it should still be pretty accurate for the 1930s . In and after the war there may have been a lot of changes due to bombing. It shows Elkington st running roughly north to south and Bracebridge st diagonally across the map. It looks on google that elkington st is still approximately the same in position, but half of Bracebridge has disappeared. i don't think any original buildings remain in either after the clearences, but stand to be corrected on this.

Thank you for all your help - I never expected to get anything back so quickly and yes, Mike, half of Bracebridge Street has disappeared - maybe because of the bombing but also because of the changes in the roads round there.

My Mum used to tell the tale of Elkington Street being bombed and the family coming back from the shelter at the end of the road to find no windows and the mantel clock upside down but still keeping perfect time - mind you this is the woman who expected to break out in swastikas when she got German Measles.

Kind Regards
Hi Avril,
2 pictures at both ends of Bracebridge St. First 3 at Aston Road end, 4th at Newtown Row end.