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ELECTORAL ROLL 1907 look up please


Brummie babby
Hi - Would anyone be able to look up the electoral roll 1907 to see who was living at

288 Mosley Road, Camp Hill, Birmingham

please. I am hoping it is the Baker family - and names might help me trace a present-day Baker relative to return a photo of Baker son Wilf.

Many thanks for any help given
Following on from the info I IM'd you here are the details from 1920 bham electoral rolls.
living at 29 Marshall Street South
1922 Joseph James & Florence, Horace Joseph & Wilfred Edmond Baker
1925 Joseph James, Florence & Horace Joseph Baker
1927 Joseph James & Florence Baker
1930 As above
53 Fox Hollies Rd
1935 Horace Joseph, Janet May & Joseph James Baker
1939 Horace Joseph & Janet May Baker
1945 Horace J & Janet M Baker
1950 Horace J, Janet M & Eric R Baker
1955 Janet, Eric & Brenda Baker