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Edward Poyser (born 1920)


master brummie

My name is Nick and I'm helping a friend with some genealogy research. Edward Poyser is his father ... born 27th March 1920 in Tamworth, Staffordshire His mother was Ellen Wildgoose, who died in 1989 aged 69.

I have tried everywhere to try to find them in the 1939 census without success. In fact I/we can't find *ANY* information *ANYWHERE* for Edward from 1939 to around 1946 so I would dearly love to try to find *any* information that may exist for him if at all possible?

I believe he could have been living at 93 Albert Road, Aston, Birmingham in 1939 and again I've tried everything I can think of to try to find out who may have been living there in 1939 but so far, again, without success.

If you have *ANY* information at all or have any suggestions which may help me, I'd be very grateful indeed.

Thank you kindly in anticipation, Nick
hi nick well my first thoughts are was he married in 1939...if you cant find him/them on the 1939 eve of war register was he in the forces...have you tried the absent voters list yet...my ancestry subs has just run out so i cant check for you but maybe other members can help track him down

Thank you kindly, Janice. That's very interesting. I don't suppose I could see all of that page could I please? I don't know what those letters mean and I can't see a Charles Poyser either. I do know that Richard Alfred Poyser was Edward's father, however. The reason we believe Edward lived at 93 is it's the address shown on his marriage certificate to Dilys May Davies in December 1944. Don't suppose there's a similar page/entry for 1944 is there?


  • Marriage certificate Edward Poyser and Dilys Mary Davis.jpg
    Marriage certificate Edward Poyser and Dilys Mary Davis.jpg
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Hi Lyn

Thank you, too, for such a quick response. As far as I'm aware, he wasn't married in 1939 but as you can see from my reply to Janice, he was married in 1944. I wonder if Janice has a similar entry for 1944? No I can't find him (Edward) at all on the 1939 pre-war register, although I understand from reading my notes in FTM that he was known most of his life as Ted so maybe I'll try a search for that as I still have an Ancestry.co.uk sub. I will post the notes in a moment but yes he was in the forces, we believe the Royal Warwickshire Regiment. As for the absent voters list, I wasn't aware there was one so I'll try to find that too. I'll finish by showing you the notes I have from my friend ...

Edward was known throughout his life as Fred. It is clear he was born in the Birmingham area but details of his early life are not known (at time this was printed).

He served with, or alongside the Ghurka regiments in India/Burma/SE Asia during WW2 (along with Norman and William - acc. to Arthur). His marriage to Dilys Mary Davies took place in Wrexham during the war, so presumbly whilst on leave or suchlike. Details of his life in the next few years are not known. He claimed to have been working for Thorneycroft Boatbuilders at a location around Kingston upon Thames in London until he was told that his heart condition was likely to kill him within months rather than years. He met his 2nd wife, Frances, around this time. They moved to Blackpool where they got married in 1965. He subsequently worked for Blackpool Car Parks and, briefly, for Symbol Buscuits on Mansfield Road (then part of the Lyons group) before retiring on disability grounds.

He also claimed that the rest of his family had been killed in 1942 during a bombing raid on Birmingham. He had 2 photos of his sister Doris which were marked "Killed Blitz 1942" which would seem to support his assertation. Only following his death did research show that his family survived the war intact! This then opens up several questions and options as to the reasons for his belief/story.
yes but is there an explanation of exactly what the letters represent please, Janice? Yes good point about 1944 being in the war. How about 1946 or, even better, late 1945 perhaps? Thank you and hope I'm not being a nuisance. I've just spent another good half hour or more searching for Ted/Edward but no joy unfortunately still. I tried to find this absent voters list you referred to but can't find that either. Anyway I'll stick with it. He has to be out there somewhere. :)
Probably completely irrelevant and a coincidence but:
The 1939 and 1940 Kellys directory (referring to 1938and 1940) lists Jas (presumably James) E. Poyser as a shopkeeper at 93 Booth St, Handsworth. Seems a bit of a coincidence the number 93 . They could not, perhaps, have got confused about the road on the marriage certificate
Aplogies it should have been Richard not Charles (have amended now)
Here you are:
Attached is meaning of letters and also full page.


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Richard and Mary Jane Poyser are on the 1939 register at 91 Albert Road with 7 blacked out entries - one might be Edward?? Also Ellen Poyser (married name Hickman).


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In 1945 Richard and Mary J are listed at 93 Albert Road. In 1950 Richard is listed on eroll at 93 Albert Road. see attached for other names.
Only certain years are available online. There was no register from 1939 to 1945 as far as I know.


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As there is an army number on his marriage cert you could try chasing up his service record to see if it sheds any light on where he was. He would not have been on an eroll until after the was and by then he seems to have been away from Birmingham.
Don't think there was an eroll in the war but will check when I get home. The letters refer to the reason they could vote.

Thank you kindly, Janice. The only letter not explained in the index you sent me is the bold -J. Any idea what that represented please? Probably not that important but just curious. As for the army number on the marriage certificate, we do indeed intent to chase up his service record but trying to decipher the information in the occupation section is difficult as it's extremely difficult to read/interpret. For example is his army number 2573903 or 8573903? We can make out he was a private in the Royal Warwickshire Regiment but the rest seems illegible sadly, unless it's my eyesight? :)
Probably completely irrelevant and a coincidence but:
The 1939 and 1940 Kellys directory (referring to 1938and 1940) lists Jas (presumably James) E. Poyser as a shopkeeper at 93 Booth St, Handsworth. Seems a bit of a coincidence the number 93 . They could not, perhaps, have got confused about the road on the marriage certificate

Thank you kindly Mike. I don't currently have a Jas or James E Poyser in my tree, although Handsworth is definitely in one of the areas of interest for the Poysers ... the others being Staffordshire or Shropshire. I'll have to dig into this one a little more. I don't think the marriage certicate would get the address confused ... big difference between Booth St, Handsworth and Albert Road, Aston don't you think? Mind you, having said that, I don't know the area like you do so it's definitely something I want to try to find out more about - this Jas/James fellow. :)
Richard and Mary Jane Poyser are on the 1939 register at 91 Albert Road with 7 blacked out entries - one might be Edward?? Also Ellen Poyser (married name Hickman).

Thank you very much for that 1939 entry, Janice. Yes Mary Jane (nee Marshall) is indeed Richard Alfred's wife and Ellen is also part of the family.

As for the blacked out names, it's a facet of the 1939 that really irritates me and, I'm sure, others. I can apply for names to be opened if I can prove that they have deceased (under the 100 year thing) but without being able to see the names, it's impossible to do anything about it. I've contacted Ancestry about it before but they say they can't help for closed entries so it's very much a chicken and egg situation. :( Edward may well be there, too, but we can't tell and I'd dearly love to know. It would be a big help as you can imagine!
In 1945 Richard and Mary J are listed at 93 Albert Road. In 1950 Richard is listed on eroll at 93 Albert Road. see attached for other names.
Ony certain years are available online. There was no register from 1939 to 1945 as far as I know.

Thank you very much indeed once again, Janice. Is that attachment from the 1945? If so and it's not imposing too much, could I also see the 1950 one you refer to please, or are all the names the same?
1945 was only Richard and Mary Jane. The attached is 1950. J meant eligible for Jury service. At least you know that at some point the family seem to have moved from 91 to 93 Albert Road.
OK understood, Janice. Thank you kindly for the additional information and clarification. That's great. At least I know a bit more now than I did although still no mention that I can see of Edward living with them at that point, although as he was married in December 1944, it would suggest to me that they were probably living elsewhere together at that time.
hi nick...prob of no use to you and you most likely have it but i have found dilys on the 39 register living with parents and siblings

hi nick...prob of no use to you and you most likely have it but i have found dilys on the 39 register living with parents and siblings


Hi Lyn

Thank you and I never say or think information is of no use until I've seen it. Please could you send the image to my email or attach it to a reply or alternatively let me have the link? I've still yet to find Edward on the 39 although as you'll see above, we've found his father and also possibly in a blanked out (x7) 39 entry.

Thanks, Nick
I have been checking the word above home address on Edward's marriage certificate. I wonder if it is Lillington a small village in Warwickshire very near the Royal Warwickshire Regiments home base at Budbrooke. If he was in the army that would form his main address with home added underneath. So he gave his Father's address. He would not appear on an e roll as he would not be able to vote until 1941 - the first e roll would have been 1945 and by then he was married. I can only search Birmingham rolls but he could have been anywhere with Dilys.
Thank you again for your valuable insight, Janice. My only thought on that is to me it looks more like Allington? If you compare it to the line on top where the church is, it's in a place (Rossleth??) which seems to be *in* Allington? What do you think? Also have you had any joy with the occupation square? I can make out No (number?) then 857 etc or 257 etc ... then private, Royal Warwickshire Regiment then something in brackets I have struggled to make out for ages ... why can't the damn registry office type the damn certificates instead of photocopying them?! Or at least give you a transcription of them. Oh well.

As you rightly say, he could well have given his father's address and he could have been anywhere with Dilys. If only WW2 records were available now. Might help a great deal. :)
ww2 records are but you have to be next of kin (I think) to apply. The address is on the forum but I can only do links if on my laptop.
Think you are right about Allington. Maidstone barracks. Think it might be to do with transport.
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I've just joined forces-war-records and done some searches on the National Archives website as well Google for what I think is his service record number from the marriage certificate but nothing comes up at all. I have a lot of E Poysers but none with the Royal Warwickshire Regiment either. Yes you're right about having to be next of kin, which my friend is, so I guess from that point of view, he's the one who will have to deal with it when he can. I will see if I can find anything regarding Maidstone Barracks so thank you again Janice. You're a mine of information. :)
Hi Nick - I may inadvertently have given you a red herring there. Apparently Allington is a suburb of Wrexham as well as a village near Maidstone. So a bit more digging needed.
It looks like architect and designer in brackets to me. Was that his civilian occupation?

And must be Allington Wrexham, as it says in the county of Denbighshire. Though it would be a great coincidence if he was living in one Allington and got married in the other.
Hi Nick - I may inadvertently have given you a red herring there. Apparently Allington is a suburb of Wrexham as well as a village near Maidstone. So a bit more digging needed.

Don't worry - Allington Wrexham would be correct as you rightly say. I'm sure Maidstone is completely the wrong area so thanks.
It looks like architect and designer in brackets to me. Was that his civilian occupation?

And must be Allington Wrexham, as it says in the county of Denbighshire. Though it would be a great coincidence if he was living in one Allington and got married in the other.

Thanks a million for that. I've taken another look and yes, it certainly seems to be as you say and would certainly make sense. I have no idea what his civilian occupation was but when I speak to my friend tomorrow, I'll ask him. :)

And yes too much of a coincidence to be the one near Maidstone rather than Wrexham but we'll see. :)
Agree about the Allington - I was trying to see where the Royal Warwicks were based. The number on his marriage cert seems to bear no resemblance to those numbers on Forces Records.
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Yes thank you and I agree with what you say about the number looking different to war forces. I've just spoken to a friendly and helpful chat at GRO HQ and I've sent them a copy of the cert by email and he apologised for the bad photocopy and has offered to either send me another better more readable copy or will take a look and try to make sense of it, so hopefully in the fullness of time, we'll find out. :) My friend said he thinks they served in India at some point and family had suggested they served with or alongside the gurkhers but without a service number and being able to get hold of his service record, I think that's about as far as I can take this for now?