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Edgbaston City Road


Brummie yes ! Novice no !
The 'then' pictures are taken from old postcards, the 'now' pictures taken from Google Streetview.
The older of the pictures is thought to date from the 1900's.

Hi ian
thanks for the picture some of those old type houses was still standing in the 60 70s
beleive it or not i knew the area very well and even in stanmore rd they was it wass in the seventys they started to reorganise that rd with alot of the house being altered but there aint much different i think compared to those days with those house of the 1900s i knew quite afew familys from city rd and some of the surronding rds
one of tjhose old dezin houses was on the corner of rotten park rd and city rd
and it was owned by a great family man by the name of mr clews he always wore a pompom hat all the year round
and a car coat he used to own the racing bikes shop and garage on thecoprner of king rdwards rd ldy wood he was there from that period and he employed a nice germanman by the name of mr wade whom lived across the rd from the garage and the shop he had two sons mr wade one was call malcolm he went to our school
but as you say then and now the rd of houses have ben changed and most of them are flatlets now
but to me the rd looks dirty to me now compared to those lovely tree lined rd as it wasd then
i wonder if the mitchells and butlers sports grond was there first or could they have been houses and demolished to make way for there sports and cricket ground on the corner of stanmore rd
i am now thinking of the old days of my life as a teenager and courting the girls i did court
i can still record the names and they all went to city rd school
i wonder if there is any sibbling still alive of mr clews family i know he had one daughter
best wishes astonion
Thanks for those photos, I used to walk from Fountain Road to Ravenhurst Road several times a week as my aunt lived in Ravenhurst. I went to Brownies at the Methodist Church on City Rd near Ravenhurst Rd and later I got the 11 outer circle to Kings Norton for school, so all in all I know City Road quite well. I'm amazed how like the Sandon Road houses City Road ones are.
Its amazing what a lick of paint can do ain,t it the house dezigns have not really changed sine over the years
but today city rd is known as bed sit land and i would say more now than ever from the early fifties and early sixties
but they do cost more now where upon years ago it was lodging houses with rooms to let either one room or two rooms on the same landing you could have got for 25 shilling
which would have been one kichette and a combined double room making it a lounge come bed room
but today the most of the older population whom owned these propertys have passed on and there sibbling long gone as well
and the property tycoons are buying them and converting into flats where some have been converted into two storey flats at a rediculous prices big money
and also there are alot of housing associations buying them up and putting flat lets in them
but its not a place to be walking after dark now as i have been told numerous times by friends whom live in that neck of the woods
many years ago when i was a young guy i lived in gillott rd just by city rd in one of these apartments where i rented the first floor to my self with kitchen and bath room and a bed room combined and lounge but it was on of the plush houses it was oppersite selyn rd plush carpetsbut there i was lucky and no insecuriyts in those days compared todays vices
i remember the guy whom brought me into this world a doctor surgeon mr tracie he lived in a grand house along theselwyn rd and our steward st schol playing fields used to be at the bottom of his large posh garden if city rd could talk it would have alot to say of carrings on old mr clews used to live in one of the big corner house on portland rd he uesed to runm acycle shop many many years ago in thethirtys and fortis and fiftied and a little garage selling pink parafiin and petrol as well on monunment rd lady wood
a little snowwy haired real gentleman whom used to be in thearter as well acting does any body recal clews cycles monunemt rd astonian
Yes mr clews did occasionanaly have second hand one from time to time but his shop was full of top of the range bike all different colours and makes
from hercules and the good
old raileigh bikes which was produced up west brom boundries and the handsworth borders it was park lane if i remember correctley
just before hawleys bakeries he had bikes from abroad as well he had an assistents whom lived across the other side of the shop up a terrace on monument rd he was a mr wade of a german orinigin he was the actual repairier for puntures and replacing the tyres for bikeshis shop was a big shop full of every accersorie you could think off
i was a friend of mr wades son malcom we went to school together mr clews always wore his litle bobing hat with a pomppom on top
a realy sincere gut i beleive he had a daugter but i just cannot think of her name we lived across the rd from his corner shop
he lived in that big corner house on portland and city rd when we used to go scrumpng as toddlers we would stop and speak with him whilst he was doing his front garden and hedges on a sunday mr clews was the main dealer in the area there used to be a small bike shop down the road from him at springhill just past the libary andon the corner of camden street but he was only parts no bikes so it would have been mr clewes the man with pure white snowwy hair andis pom pom astonian