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Easter Eggs

Anne Watton

master brummie
Do you have any memories of receiving your Easter Egg when you were a child? I was about 5 years old, woke uo to find Easter Bunny had been, unwrapped my egg from it's foil paper and went back to sleep. Woke up, toddled down the corridor to my Mom & Dad's bedroom. It was very dark so I felt along the wall so I didn't fall over, to get in bed with Mom & Dad. Dad woke up and his newly decorated bedroom wall was covered in chocolate. (Alberta that was your bedroom at 15 Overgreen Drive). Never got to live that one down either!! Perhaps that's why I don't like chocolate!
Oh my Ann what a memory. I can remember getting an Easter egg which was lovely, I remeber one in particular covered in pink net. I was more thrilled by the net!!. My Dad always bought my mother a beautiful Easter Egg in a box with chocolates,I would save the bows etc. I also remember decorating boiled eggs with food colouring...happy days!
My best memory of Easter eggs is getting a Rowntrees Dairy Box egg. I'd have been about 9 or 10. I remember being amazed at how the whole thing fitted together. The chocolates fitted perfectly inside, I think, on a little tray. There weren't lots of individual chocolates but this was the perfect egg to me. It seemed so grown up. Each year I got an Easter egg, I'd always eat the chocolates or sweets inside first because I didn't want to spoil the two shells. One other vivid memory I have is seeing enormous chocolate eggs in Woolworth's, usually decorated with sugar flowers. Again it was the way they were constructed that fascinated me. Viv.
I remember one small egg. It was wrapped in lovely red cellophane, it was in an eggcup which was a white plastic duck. I kept that eggcup for ages, it didn't tip over so if we needed water for painting we used that.
Nan and Grandad used to give me one from "Teddy Gray's" sweet stall on the Market, they were hollow and we would stick a pin in to make a hole instead of smashing them.