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Dutton Norah


master brummie
Hi I am trying to get a start on tracing my wifes Mothers tree & I only have her birthdate which is 25th April 1913, she was born in Birmingham & that is all I have, can someone help me to start or tell me what I have to do to get started please.
Dave Rock
Hi Dave I found these on Free BMD do any of the names ring any bells? The marriage Bagnall would have been her husbands name. The birth Broadfield was the mothers maiden name. The marriage Mathewson was the husbands name,

[SIZE=+1]Marriages Sep 1913 [SIZE=-2](>99%)[/SIZE][/SIZE] Dutton Nora Bagnall Birmingham 6d593 [SIZE=+1]Births Jun 1914 [SIZE=-2](>99%)[/SIZE][/SIZE] Dutton Norah Broadfield Birmingham 6d672 [SIZE=+1]Marriages Jun 1938 [SIZE=-2](48%)[/SIZE][/SIZE] Dutton Nora Matthewson Birmingham 6d989
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[SIZE=+1]This could be her ... I Looked from 1910 0n and this was the only one that fitted... Born Birmingham. :)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]Births Jun 1914 [/SIZE]
Dutton Norah Broadfield Birmingham 6d672
Thanks for the info but what does it mean, my mother in law didn't have a middle name so I am a little mystified by the other names like Broadfield, what do they mean.
any further help please will be very much appreciated.
She married a George Henry Ford around 1938/9/40 he was also from Birmingham.
Dave Rock
if you send for the marriage cert it will give the fathers name and occupation. as there are a lot of norah duttons i think we may need that to find her parents in the censuses

george h ford and norah dutton 1939 jul-sep birmingham 6d 294

these are the details you need to apply for the cert from bham register office. it will cost £7
To be sure of your facts you need certificates. These indexes are what you need when ordering certificates. The indexes are 6d 672 this is the reference you need when ordering a certificate. The problem with family research is we start with the information we are given or from our own birth certificates. This has to be checked with a certificate to be sure we have the right person.

It looks like shera has your lady so as she says you need the certificate.
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Wendy you are quite right there is plenty of dutton around
i know of two duttons;[ freddie had two brothers; and another dutton
married couple by the name of harry dutton
they all live around the stirchley area of birmingham
mr and mrs dutton did die some years back
they lived down cartland rd for most of there life
and the two brother,s whom are not related also live in the stirchley area the one brother died years ago that was freddie is brother is still alive today he getting on in age but very fit for his age
he is a window cleaner around the kings heath and stircley are
he took over is brothers round whom would travel the breast of pershore ed selly park and the surronding areas
he used to push a wheel barrow around in three foot of snow in the winter and he had a little dog with him through all conditions and the years around best wishes astonian ;;;
Hi I am trying to get a start on tracing my wifes Mothers tree & I only have her birthdate which is 25th April 1913, she was born in Birmingham & that is all I have, can someone help me to start or tell me what I have to do to get started please.
Dave Rock

Hi Dave

Click the link and have a read, this will give a lot of basic info about getting started


Hi everyone sorry to have confused... I've been doing this for so long I sometimes forget others are only just learning...:redface:
The 1/4 is the time of the year....
1st 1/4: Jan, Feb Mar
2nd 1/4: Apr, May, June
3rd 1/4:July, Aug, Sept
4th 1/4:Oct, Nov, Dec
Year and 1/4 registered:Births Jun 1914
Name of Child:Dutton Norah
Mother's Maiden name:Broadfield
Area, or City registered:Birmingham
Reisteratin Number:6d672

That means that Norah's mother's name was BROADFIELD Before she married Mr Dutton Maiden names of mothers were only added after about 1911

Hope you are more able to understand my post now...:)

Chris/Pom :angel:
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Clarence Lionel Dutton married Florence Broadfield in 1902 Kings Norton
Children born before 1911 do not have mothers maiden name on index but here are listed Dutton births in birmingham from 1912 with mother Broadfield
Harold W 1912
Norah 1914
Lily 1916
Evelyn 1917
Irene 1919
Mollie 1921
Harry 1923.
are these your Aunts and Uncles?

Access to the 1911 will give any other children,I believe Clarence goes by the name Lionel on the census.
Hi there,based on the info from Alberta:
1911 census
DUTTON, Lionel Head Fish Salesman (wholesale fish market)aged 37 born 1874 Warwick Bham
DUTTON, Florence Wife aged 29 born 1882 Warwick Bham
DUTTON, Florence Daughter aged 7 born1904 Warwick Bham
DUTTON, Albert Son aged 5 born 1906 Warwick Bham
DUTTON, Arthur Son aged 3 born 1908 Warwick Bham
DUTTON, Lionel Son aged 2 born1909 Warwick Bham
DUTTON, Minnie Daughter aged 6 months born Warwick Bham
Living at 2 house court 13 Vaughton St.
5 children born,all living.Married 8 years
Hope this helps
From Electoral Roll:
1920 Clarence William Lionel Dutton and Florence Dutton living at 96 Ashley Street
1925 Clarence William Lionel Dutton and Florence Dutton living at 95 Ashley Street
1930 Clarence William Lionel Dutton,Florence,Frederick Lionel and Florence Rose Dutton living at 95 Ashley Street
1935 Clarence William Lionel Dutton,Florence,Florence Rose,Minnie and Nora Dutton living at 95 Ashley Street
1945 Clarence William Lionel Dutton and Florence Dutton and Molly S Boyd living at 14 Second Ave,Selly Park.
Here's Lionel with his family 1891
Place: Birmingham -Warwickshire
Address: 42 Macdonald Street

Surname First name(s) Rel Status Sex Age Occupation Where Born Remarks
DUTTON Charles Head M M 52 Metal Worker Warwickshire - Birmingham
DUTTON Sarah A Wife M F 55 Warwickshire - Birmingham
DUTTON Charles F Son S M 22 Wire Worker Warwickshire - Birmingham
DUTTON Herbert Son S M 19 Metal Worker Warwickshire - Birmingham
DUTTON Lionel Son S M 17 Brass Turner Warwickshire - Birmingham

And Florence with her's
Place: Aston -Warwickshire
Address: 13 Ct 3 Hse Vaughton St

Surname First name(s) Rel Status Sex Age Occupation Where Born Remarks
BROADFIELD William Head M M 34 Brass Castor(Em'ee) Warwickshire - Birmingham
BROADFIELD Sarah Wife M F 33 Warwickshire - Birmingham
BROADFIELD Florence Dau - F 9 Scholar Warwickshire - Birmingham
BROADFIELD Charles Son - M 7 Scholar Warwickshire - Birmingham
BROADFIELD William Son - M 6 Scholar Warwickshire - Birmingham
BROADFIELD Arthur Son - M 4 Scholar Warwickshire - Birmingham
BROADFIELD Sarah A Dau - F 1 Warwickshire - Birmingham

Here are the Dutton's in 1881 Looks like the families live next to each other at one time

Census PlaceAston, Warwick,
Dwelling Vaughton St 12 Court 4 House
Name RelationMarital StatusGenderAgeBirthplaceOccupationDisability
Charles DUTTON Head M Male 42 Birm, Warwick, England Metal Worker
Sarah A. DUTTON Wife M Female 43 Birm, Warwick, England
Sarah A. DUTTON Dau U Female 17 Birm, Warwick, England Tin Trade (MFR)
Charles F. DUTTON Son Male 12 Birm, Warwick, England Scholar
Herbert DUTTON Son Male 9 Birm, Warwick, England Scholar
Clarence W. DUTTON Son Male 6 Birm, Warwick, England

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Thanks to everyone for all the information given, my wife is absolutely over the moon & I feel I will be doing some more research into her family.
Thanks again
Dave Rock
From IGI:
Clarence William Lynal Dutton christened 16 August 1874 at St David,Birmingham.
Herbert Dutton christened 16 August 1874 at St David
Charles Frederick Dutton christened 16 August 1874 at St David
Sarah Ann Dutton christened 16 August 1874 at St David
1871 census
Dutton Charles 32 Head Metal Worker born Birmingham, Warwickshire
Dutton Sarah A 35 Wife Birmingham, Warwickshire
Dutton Sarah A 6 Daughter Scholar born Birmingham, Warwickshire
Dutton Charles L 2 Son born Birmingham, Warwickshire
all living at 6 House13 Court Hope Street, St Martin
Possible marriageof
Charles Dutton
Year of Registration: 1859
Quarter of Registration: Oct-Nov-Dec
District: Aston (1837-1924)
County: Warwickshire
Volume: 6d
Page: 404
Possible spouse,Sarah Ann Richmond
Marriage: 12 DEC 1859 Aston Juxta Birmingham, Warwick, England
Hope this helps!
William Broadfield m Sarah Ann Stubbs
Year of Registration: 1880
Quarter of Registration: Oct-Nov-Dec
District: Aston (1837-1924)
County: Warwickshire
Volume: 6d
Page: 498
Possibly Florence's mother Sarah
1861 England Census
about Sarah Ann Stubbs
Age: 2
Estimated birth year: abt 1859
Relation: Daughter
Father's Name: William
Mother's Name: Sarah
Gender: Female
Where born: Birmingham, Staffordshire, England
Civil parish: Birmingham
Ecclesiastical parish: St Paul
County/Island: Warwickshire
Country: England
Street Address:10 court 2 house Great Hampton Street.
Registration district: Birmingham
Sub-registration district: All Saints
William Stubbs 29 head occ brass founder
Sarah Stubbs 35 wife
Elizabeth Stubbs 4 daughter
Sarah Ann Stubbs 2 daughter
Here's Flo's family in 1881 (She wasn't born till after the Census) Sarah's mother and sister were with them...

Census PlaceAston, Warwick, England
Dwelling 7 Vaughton St
Name RelationMarital StatusGenderAgeBirthplaceOccupationDisability

William BROADFIELD Head M Male 25 Bham, Warwick, England Brass Caster
Sarah A. BROADFIELD Wife M Female 21 Bham, Warwick, England Painter
Sarah STUBBS Mother W Female 55 Bham, Warwick, England
Deborah G. STUBBS Sister U Female 16 Bham, Warwick, England
Trying to find living family of George Henry Ford and Norah Ford (Dutton). My Mother was Elsie May Ford who was sister of George and also Margaret Ford. I think George had a son called Jim.
From Alberta's reply I think that Nora was the sister of Mollie, who got married to George Boyd in 1939. I believe they had a daughter named Sheila, but cant find the record. Also I dont know what happened to George. If this is the right connection, I think that possibly your wife and I may be cousins?
From Alberta's reply I think that Nora was the sister of Mollie, who got married to George Boyd in 1939. I believe they had a daughter named Sheila, but cant find the record. Also I dont know what happened to George. If this is the right connection, I think that possibly your wife and I may be cousins?

As Mollie is back with her parents not long after her marriage (as per your other thread) it is possible that George Boyd died in WWII. One of the 3 George Boyds listed as dying in the war died 7 Nov 1940 and has no further details. However there doesn't seem to be a listing in the Bham Book of Remembrance.
Trying to find living family of George Henry Ford and Norah Ford (Dutton). My Mother was Elsie May Ford who was sister of George and also Margaret Ford. I think George had a son called Jim.
I now think there was a daughter named Dorothy Ford married to Dave Rock who was researching Dutton family at post 14 on this thread. Dorothy would be my cousin, with her brother James.
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Dorothy Ford would be my cousin, with her brother James. Unfortunately Dave Rock no longer seems to use BHF site. I would like to make contact with Dorothy, James or their families.