hi guys
i went up winson green afew days ago and i drove up the dudley rd
and to my amazements the old dudley rd police station is up for grabbs
the boards is up and its for sale ; i had to look twice
the old c, division for sale ;times are getting harder folks
eventualy we will have no cops on the beat
and i thought to myself i had better get on the tom -toms to our
inspecter willoby and tell him if he wants that bike back out of the shed
he had better get up there sharpist
if only the cells could ta;lk the old lads from around there will be glad to the back of if so if any of our photograhers out there want the pics
they had better get there sharpist before hey demolish it
good evening all and mind how you go ;best wishes astonion ;;
i went up winson green afew days ago and i drove up the dudley rd
and to my amazements the old dudley rd police station is up for grabbs
the boards is up and its for sale ; i had to look twice
the old c, division for sale ;times are getting harder folks
eventualy we will have no cops on the beat
and i thought to myself i had better get on the tom -toms to our
inspecter willoby and tell him if he wants that bike back out of the shed
he had better get up there sharpist
if only the cells could ta;lk the old lads from around there will be glad to the back of if so if any of our photograhers out there want the pics
they had better get there sharpist before hey demolish it
good evening all and mind how you go ;best wishes astonion ;;