• Welcome to this forum . We are a worldwide group with a common interest in Birmingham and its history. While here, please follow a few simple rules. We ask that you respect other members, thank those who have helped you and please keep your contributions on-topic with the thread.

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Down Time


Administration Team
Apologies about the down time since Sunday this has finally been sorted, not everyone will be able to get on yet as the new details swarm through the web but by tomorrow everyone should be able to log on again soon will send an email alert tomorrow.
Thanks Warren. Was beginning to think we'd lost you forever ! Welcome back everyone. Viv.

PS was very relieved to pick up on the 404 error message yesterday. Think if ever it goes down again members should look out for a 404 message.

Note to members. By clicking on the 'Home' button on the 404 page that comes up when BHF is offline, it can tell you what is going on. Here's a pic of the message.Viv.

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I had the dreaded 404 a couple of time, I also got a page saying the domain was for sale!!! Finally a blank page.
Anyway I am pleased to see the site back.
Got nothing 15 mins ago after reading email, but 5 mins later it was back. Thank you
The page above was created yesterday evening if it ever goes down again I will switch back to this so it's a placeholder to keep you all updated.

I had to switch the site over to the domain controller for the above page and during transition it showed the sale thing it was a place holder.

Ps sorry for spamming you all to let you know we are back
Pps I'm still emailing members 8000 left to send phew!
Thank you warren ,
I really thought it was the end of a true era again this time and i was really saddened by the thought
of it , i tried night after night not knowing or where to get another memer to asked did they know what was going on
or even tell me it had finished permantly
So now i am alive and high spirited to know that we are still in business to be honest warren i was at loose ends
with myself completely lost , and i contact amazon for eddie fewtrell book of club land it cost me 13 quid as a subsitue
for the forum
any way way great stuff and long may we continue for years to come on this forum and i can see we are getting stronger in fellowships
daily and hearing of people trying to be members they are awaiting for it
best wishes Astonian,,,,, AlAN,,,
I have now set up an emergency site so there will never be as long a downtime as that again (without info) and we upgraded our care package so we are supposed to get a 24 hour response now.
I have now set up an emergency site so there will never be as long a downtime as that again (without info) and we upgraded our care package so we are supposed to get a 24 hour response now.

thanks warren...sound like a plan

Apologies I was running a few updates before everyone came back and windows did a forced auto reboot on me. Takes a little to bring this beast back up
Thanks for keeping us in the picture Warren. Appreciated. So we all need to be patient while we get back to normal service. Viv.
things seem to be ok this morning viv and i am pleased that warren has now put into place a notice that will pop up informing members should this problem arise again..saves us all being left in limbo land:D..i spent quite some time replying to text messages..phone calls and emails from concerned members..any road up...ONWARD AND UPWARD:):):)

Right im told the Cab we connect to has lost external power and we are on battery backup hence the drop outs, this is with open reach to sort out and goes beyond the suppliers.

Apparently this was due to someone crashing into it and not vandalism
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Thanks Warren. As you can see we're all eager to get back to normal but at the same time appreciate it may not be working 100% at the moment. And we realise some things are out of your hands.

Thanks too to all members for your patience. Viv.
Thanks for the hard work, Warren.

Seems to come and go for me at the moment. But no doubt the flakiness will disappear when it all beds down over the next few days.

Warren, if you mean by 'cab' the green metal street cabinets, I'd like a £1 for every one I've opened in tracing a line fault or picking up a 'new' pair during my 32 years with PO Telephones (now BT). Happy days (until BT took Over). Eric
That's the one Eric it's now running on battery backup sadly but as we are on a business line we get most of the power :D
I had visions of each e-mail/forum message being taken from place to place in a black cab !
I set up a batch file to periodically ping the site and eventually got the 404 page. Nice to see you all back and thanks to Warren for all his hard work. It's an absolute nightmare when something like this happens.

A story about cabinets ...
In June a lorry smashed into and destroyed a cabinet in Otley near Leeds. Openreach replaced the cabinet but the local electricity company said they could not repair the supply until August. As a temporary solution Openreach’s engineers had been arduously swapping out the cabinet’s backup battery twice a day (6am and 6pm) for two weeks but with an obvious impact on reliability. Businesses, householders, and a local MP finally persuaded the electricity company to bring forward repairs to early July and the problem has now been resolved.