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Digby St/Rd Aston/

From 1956 Kellys. It seems to be a centre of Bird cage manufacture.

(4), 249
Aston road to Corporation
street. MAPH3.

R.J. Spoke Manufacturing
Co. cycle spoke

Industrial & Domestic
Electrical Services

Brazier H. bird cage mfrr

here is Legge st​
& Co. (Bird Cages)

33 Smith Geo. H. welder

Well....So who is a " saucy monkey " then. { didnt realise we had met ? ?}

You are very lucky you are in Dorset Sparhill Boy ! !

As I was born there { in 1929 } I will be very interested to hear any information found.

I am going to try to see the map the other fella spoke of to try to recognise the area.

Bye cheeky chops.

Hello Sparkhill Boy.
I am wondering why you are enquiring about Digby St. - Legge St. ? ? ?

My main memory is of being trapped in the cellar because a bomb had been dropped next door but one !
Consequentely I did not have a very good childhood so I have always pushed thoughts of it to the back of my mind.
However. I understand my neice - who I did not know existed - is trying to trace the family and I discovered it when purely by chance I clicked onto this web site.
So, somehow I am having to face the facts at last.
Sorry if this sounds like a sob story and I am certainly no wimp.

Hello Betty, I have been working on my family tree and find that a number of my ancestors lived in Legge St, Digby St, Moor St, Wood St, Fisher St and around. I have posted another request for anyone with any pictures of that area before it was developed to link the ancestor with an area of Brum. I like to find out about the ancestors that turn up as well as their names and families. Sometimes they come up with some very interesting stories and life histories.

I think it's good that you are dealing with the horrible parts of your childhood and hope you have a better relationship with your new neice. Obviously she is interested in her background too.

Feel free to 'sob' to me if you feel the need, I'm happy to listen, or is it read.

Keep smiling.

By the way, it's been a month or two since I have been called a 'cheeky monkey' thanks.