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Did You Have a Paper Round ?

Old Boy

master brummie
My first paper round was for Mr and Mrs Winfield who had a shop on Bordesley Green between Whitehall Road and Carlton Road. I lived in Carlton Road. It suited me as it was fairly compact and I could get round it in about 45 minutes. I delivered mornings and evenings. It all came to a stop when we were bombed out in November 1940 and we went to live with my married sister in Marcot Road, South Yardley,

I then got a round working for Mr and Mrs Cartwright whose shop was on Coventry Road almost opposite the Wagon and Horses. This was a different kettle of fish and I had to deliver throughout Sheldon and it took me ages. On Sundays I ws out all morning as I had to collect the paper money too. What one would do for 5 bob a week but I did OK for tips when collecting.

I did this until I left school in 1942. Where was your paper round ?

Old Boy
I too had a paper round old boy and sometimes when the other two were off sick I would do the three rounds towards my savings. My round was Witton Lane and one side of Holte road. The other two I covered were part of Holte road Yew tree road Serpentine road and Village road. I took my beautiful little dog Bobby with me for company and put him in my bag when it was empty and carried him home. Jean.
My paper round was for Gill's in Oakhurst Road Acocks Green. It consisted of both sides, end to end and the two groves. It was quite a large round but being just one road it was fairly easy. I always did o/k for tips.
My brother Albert too had a paper round well before I did for Redgates on the Witton and one for Buckleys [no relation to our Mr Buckley] and so did Bob Burrage who is a member of the forum and is hoping to return after recovering from a serious ilness. He once found a budgie almost frozen to a step on one of his rounds and we adopted him and called him Billy. Although being ringed on his leg his owner was never traced. Guess what and I will never forget this a policeman came round to investigate. I remember this so clearly as mom had put water in the old tin bath for me and I was so embarrassed. I would have been about five at the time. Patty might remember Billy in the front window. Even today I automatically fold a paper in four. Jean.
My brother and his schoolmate had a paper round.One day little Hindu lady newsagent does morning inventory and shouts " Dirty book missing!" and starts checking the shop - and after not finding it turns to my brother and his schoolmate
She says "Show me bag, show me bag " (their paper round bags)
Schoolmate becomes very reluctant and his forced to show his bag.........:D:D:D "It must have accidentally dropped in"
Yes, in about 1962/3, for Gibbs' newsagents opposite the Kings Head, Hagley Road. I remember the long route well.
Bearwood Rd, Poplar Rd, Anderson Rd, including across and part of Bearwood Rd, Lightwood Rd, Adkins Lane, Herbert Rd, then cross Hagley Rd for Lordswood Rd, (some very good wealthy tippers there!), Blakeney Ave, Hamilton Ave, then Hagley Rd back towards the shop. I got 12/6 a week for that, twice a day seven days a week (only once on Sunday of course, but the rich buggers all had two or three big papers with extra magazines in, Lordswood Rd had to be done separately as there was a bagful just for them!) Saturdays after the morning round clean the stock room, help restock the shelves and sometimes serve in the shop for an extra 10/-.
One Saturday there was a downpour and the drain to the back yard blocked and the flood threatened to come in the shop and stock room, I cleared the muck and dead leaves from the drain (yes, my arm down it to past my elbow scooping the muck out!) and got an extra 15/- for saving the stock! (The tobacco stock was down the cellar and would have been ruined if the flood had come in the shop).
Gibbs' had another shop on the corner of Bristol Rd and Longbridge Lane.
Oh yes! Harry Edmunds newsagents Formans Rd opposite Lucas's gate 1955's. Twice a day, once on Sundays 10 bob a week! Sundays papers weighed a ton. It was good during Christmas week with the tips, (no tax either).
First paper round I had was at Clare's Kingstanding Circle.It consisted entirely of Endall road which meant a long climb up Kingstanding Hill before getting started.Wasn't too bad in week but was a pain on Sundays.Got a round that started closer to shop at first chance
Mornings only Peggy's shop in Park Road Hockley. My brothers did morning and evening for Reg - who lived further up Park Road - sometimes they delivered the argus on Saturday nights.
Yes, delivered papers for Ernie Sturman who's shop was at Little Aston corner of Clarence road and Rosemary Hill Rd. The people who ran the shop for him were Mr.&MrsCooksey. My Round was Little Aston Lane, Walsall Rd, Roman Rd Estate, and Forge Lane, and there were three cottages at end of Forge lane,miles from anywhere, very scary for a twelve year old cycling down to those three cottages at 6o'clock on a dark wintery morning.I hated the Thursday delivery's Women and Women's Own and Fridays Sutton News. But if you wanted money in those days you had to go out and earn in,10/- Also did deliveries for Wrensons with the old bike with the big basket on the front. 6/6d
Yes, delivered papers for Ernie Sturman who's shop was at Little Aston corner of Clarence road and Rosemary Hill Rd. The people who ran the shop for him were Mr.&MrsCooksey. My Round was Little Aston Lane, Walsall Rd, Roman Rd Estate, and Forge Lane, and there were three cottages at end of Forge lane,miles from anywhere, very scary for a twelve year old cycling down to those three cottages at 6o'clock on a dark wintery morning.I hated the Thursday delivery's Women and Women's Own and Fridays Sutton News. But if you wanted money in those days you had to go out and earn in,10/- Also did deliveries for Wrensons with the old bike with the big basket on the front. 6/6d

I am learning more about you every day on here. 10/- was a fortune then:)!
I remember Peggy from Park Road and how upset my mom was when she died suddenly. I did a paper round for the shop on corner of Park Road and Goode Street , Westons i think ?
When I was at Clares in the late 1940s they just had the one shop.It was post office,newsagents,sweet shop and tobacacconists.At some time later they took over the corner shop that used to be Rochells.
Pembroke that is correct. The Rochells lived in our road and their shop is now a Greggs bakers. Clair's was taken over some years ago and the Clairs Travel on the corner of the Kingstanding precinct has also gone. Alf I used to be payed 10 bob to start with and ended up with twelve shillings and six pence. I loved Christmas when sometimes I was given a two bob piece. Jean.
I am learning more about you every day on here. 10/- was a fortune then:)!

Wendy I also helped the Baker Rowlands Bread of New John Street West

2/6p for Saturdays 4/- for School Holidays :)
Do you remember Whitehouses,between Boots and seed shop (I think).I can remember the bare wood floor covered with sawdust.Used to take accumulator to Jones's fish & chip shop (next to Parkes greengrocers)to get it charged.A door on he left led into the chip shop and door on right into a small shop that seemed to be full of junk and where they charged acumalators.
Pembroke how far back would that be?. I honestly don't. Boots is still there and the mens shop Fosters has gone and Boots knocked their wall through to make the chemist larger. I bet someone on here has a photo from back then. Jean.
Pembroke that is correct. The Rochells lived in our road and their shop is now a Greggs bakers. Clair's was taken over some years ago and the Clairs Travel on the corner of the Kingstanding precinct has also gone. Alf I used to be payed 10 bob to start with and ended up with twelve shillings and six pence. I loved Christmas when sometimes I was given a two bob piece. Jean.
Jean I use to call at the old shop as a rep and used to talk to a young woman there who had a Boyfriend in Spain who had dumped her and left her after she told him she was pregnant:(
I used to deliver papers for a Maurice Palfreyman whose newsagents was opposite the Old Horns on the Beacon Road.My round was along both sides(Warwickshire and Staffs) of Queslett Road from the Trees to St. Margarets Psychiatric Hospital.I also did Ringinglow and Brackenfield Roads on the Birmingham side.Now living in sunny Australia it sends a shiver through my body thinking of the snow,sleet,ice and smog that one had to endure with heavily laden bags back in them days.A couple of times I also was confronted by patients from St Margarets which was scary for a 12year old.Les
I tend to look back at The Circle as it was in the 1940s and early 1950s.Wasn't in the area much after early 1950s so did not keep up with changes that were beginning to be made.My parents knew Harry Rochell and used to talk to him in The Kingstanding pub at weekends but I don't think we ever got any extras on our rations.