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Cycle makers in Greet, Yardley

Wine Lover

knowlegable brummie
Hi Folks,

A number of people I'm researching, RONDEAU and PRETTY, lived around Weston Lane, Greet. According to the 1911 census they had various trades in the cycly industry. Please does anyone know which company(ies) were around there at that time.

Kind regards

Wine Lover
The co-op had a bike making place in KNIGHTS RD???.BAYLISS AND WILEY made lightwieght hubs,andREYNOLDS TUBES made the
tubing for the frames.
Yes you are correct they did have one down in admin rd tysley i remember it being there
because i lived in speedwell rd in the bottom half of the speedwell rd and they was on the big end by the speedell pub ;
many years go ;and at the top end on stockfield rd ; you could get through to onto the cannal tow pathe
which was dawes cycle factory backed on to; well one saturday evening we had a family of rogues living down the rd
in george rd ; [ i will not mention the family name because the kids of this family are in there thirtys and forties now ]
but when they was young with there father whom as died also there mother as died many years ago after this series
went with the father onto the cut ; and found a way into there factory of dawes ; and they got themselves some cracking new bikes out throgh
the compound and the hole in the wall ;they had four bikes one each including the old man ;
this was on a saturday night ; by mid day on sunday morning ;every kid had a bike out of dawes cycles [ brand new ]
the local streets wasswelling with them they passed the word around all but most of them when and got themselves a new bike ;
all except my three kids ; because i told them not to do it and ts wrong and they will be arrested by acocks green police ;
my kids was left out by watching these theiving scoundrels riding there bikes
but happy to say it was short lived the police vans was swanning up and down all the strets in the area
and arrested the culpritts and rounded up all those stolen bikes ; i said to my three kids there you go are you happy that you aint being locked up like
and so ; they said yes dad ;so you see thats how i know where they was being dawes cycles ;
does any body recall the take over by the angles bikers taking over the speedwell pub way back they tied the gather to a chair and for the whole week end they drank the pub dry and the gathers family was kept prisoner in the pub from friday night till monday morning
before they got discovered and released ; such a week end ; ere; astonian
Thank you all for replying.

I had a red DAWES bike when I was a kid up north. Seem to remember a 'gold' emblem/badge on the front. Didn't know the Co-op made bikes as well as everything else.


Wine Lover
My grandparents were Edward and Emily (Pretty) Rondeau, who lived on Weston Lane.....
Hi, Sorry for the very late reply, I've only just come across it. (Might have been when the site was down...)

Emily Elizabeth PRETTY is my 7th cousin once removed. Actually I am doubly related to a descendant of Emily's older sister Ellen Annie, via a HANDS connection. The first connection is to Ester HANDS marrying a William PRETTY in 1762.

More information available if you are interested.

Kind regards
