hi all..ive just been reading an article in the sun newpaper about how folk 100 years ago were handed out asbo,s or blacklisted as the courts called it...
offences punishable with the black list included...being intoxicated to the point of complete incompetence..riding a horse whilst under the influence or drink driving a steam engine
after 4 convictions they were put on the black list banning them from every pub in their home city of birmingham..their pics were also given out to landlords.. the article shows pics of 2 women and 3 men who were blacklisted giving their names and also discriptions of them (including tattoos) and their occuption at that time....the two women were prostitutes...i was tempted to scan and post this article with the pics as although it would not bother me in the slightest if one of these 5 people had turned out to be one of my ancestors it may upset or offend others should they be theirs....so sorry no piccies on this one
the details were compiled by the watch committee of the city of birmingham and can be found online by ancestry.com...

the details were compiled by the watch committee of the city of birmingham and can be found online by ancestry.com...