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Cressall Manufacturing Company


lindsey payne

any help would be greatful unsure of the spelling ?
There was a Cressall Manufacturing Company in Cheston Rd , Aston, but I think they made elecrical components.
hi guys
just want to put the record straight. postie is correct;[ jim ,]
they was an electrical manufactors of electrical componets in cheston rd aston
they made electrical transformers
and the reason how i know i worked there in 1961, as a coil winder of electric transformers
and i worked along side an attractive girl on the bench from sandy lane aston
which incidently was at the bottom of the street and around the corner
her name was linda parish in case any body recalls her name we was working on peice work
to earn our wages which in fact was not a great deal in those days
so i eventualy left and moved up the road next door
and went to work at tubes in the forge foundry cracking company l cracking job .
and cracking people to work along side of and wages was good ,
one particular person , our fellow member bazzm whom i worked along side of
does any body recall the old sorting post office in cheston rd ,
my uncle was the post master general there before he died
best wishes astonian ;;
Just noticed this thread.

I worked for Cressall Manufacturing in Cheston Rd for a short time in the late 60s or early 70s, Only job I ever had where I had to clock in, you got an extra 10/- if you were on time all week.
Great friendly place to work, the work didnt suit me, but have to say that as a company they seemed great.

They made amongst other things, Variable Transformers, some specialist electronics, especially power supplies, and the first ( as far as I know ) light dimmers of the type that are common now' I think one of their electronics design guys - cant remember his name - went on to have the firm that used to spray flock onto cars,
looked great for about 6 months, then they went bald, but great for making old bangers look good.