Fred Stahl
proper brummie kid
I am researching William Cox (b. 1847-8 -- d. 1907, New York) and his relationship (if any) with Francis Blakemore Cox, or possibly some other scientific instrument maker in the Birmingham area from that period.
William Cox emigrated to the US in 1890. My records from the US show that William's father was John Cox and his mother was Elisabeth Parker.
I believe (not sure) that Francis Blakemore Cox was William's uncle.
It is my hunch that Francis Blakemore Cox either had other children of his own whom, eventually, inherited his business, or the Francis' company was sold to someone outside the family, forcing William to leave the Birmingham area. If that is the case I would like to know this, including associated people and dates.
When William arrived in the US he immediately entered the scientific instrument trade working with Keuffel & Esser Co.(K&E) a scientific instrument maker in New York. William must have been trained in the engineering trades (he used the title of C E for either Civil Engineer or Consulting Engineer). Information on his education would be helpful also.
I also have information that in the 1860s Wilhelm J D Keuffel, (born in Germany) founder of K&E. worked in the Birmingham area. He emigrated in 1866 to New York and went into the scientific instrument trade, initially importing to the US from Europe. Do you show any information on him and his activities in Birmingham? If William Cox and Keuffel knew each other in Birmingham that would be a great piece of information to learn.
William Cox emigrated to the US in 1890. My records from the US show that William's father was John Cox and his mother was Elisabeth Parker.
I believe (not sure) that Francis Blakemore Cox was William's uncle.
It is my hunch that Francis Blakemore Cox either had other children of his own whom, eventually, inherited his business, or the Francis' company was sold to someone outside the family, forcing William to leave the Birmingham area. If that is the case I would like to know this, including associated people and dates.
When William arrived in the US he immediately entered the scientific instrument trade working with Keuffel & Esser Co.(K&E) a scientific instrument maker in New York. William must have been trained in the engineering trades (he used the title of C E for either Civil Engineer or Consulting Engineer). Information on his education would be helpful also.
I also have information that in the 1860s Wilhelm J D Keuffel, (born in Germany) founder of K&E. worked in the Birmingham area. He emigrated in 1866 to New York and went into the scientific instrument trade, initially importing to the US from Europe. Do you show any information on him and his activities in Birmingham? If William Cox and Keuffel knew each other in Birmingham that would be a great piece of information to learn.