cracking picture,i remember g,grandmother sitting on her rocking chair by that type of fire in my grandfathers house at 10 clifton place miller st
she always wore her hair in a tight bun on the back of her head with 2 combs one eitherside ,a black crochered type shawl,black long sleeved blouse buttoned right upto her chin ,long black skirt,black apron ,and buttoned bootie type shoes
she used to send me over tne road(miller st)to "arblasters shop" for 2ozs snuff,2ozs stiped humbugs with the warning not to eat any
my wifes memory is not a happyone, as a baby in a highchair she topled the chair onto the fire grate luckily it was a glancing contact
and she is lightly scarred
i also remember my mother saying she hated cleaning and blackening the grate every saturday morning
once again great picture great memories