hi sylv
another trick apart from the emty sack by the grate ,
and regarding the weight of the coal being wet ,
was to give you half filled bag of slack with the coal
my old man used to go barmy at him on the next deliverey
but he he always swore that the slack being banked up at the
back of the fire would make the fire last longer
and when he litt the fire in the morning
he would use a draw tin ,to draw the fire to get started
with a news paper over it
and it would have been the argus ,or the the b,ham dispatch
as it was called in those days
have a nice day everybody, and i hope its a nice one
i,m off to bretonford , to watch the 1829 confedrate reinactment
behind the old fleece pub and see how my ancestors lived
best wishes astonian ,;;;;;;;;