Hello. I wasn't quite sure what title to give this thread and I've posted it already in another part of the forum so I'm not sure if this is the right place either, but here goes. My Gt grandfather, Alfred Frederick Clayton, was a carpenter. He is listed on 1891 census as such, living at Back 36 Clevedon Road, Balsall Heath. However, I have found another Alfred Frederick Clayton (I know this is not an uncommon name but the combination of Alfred & Frederick makes it more of a possibility) listed in 1892 in Kelly's Directory at 73 Gooch Street, as a Hosier and another listing in Kelly's in 1892 for a Stocking Knitter at 44 Market Hall. I am wondering if there is any way these could be one and the same person. I have tried searching the censuses for another Alfred Frederick Clayton in Birmingham so I can discount the Hosier but have been unable to find a record. My Alfred Frederick is also listed on 1901 census as a carpenter/joiner, living in Malvern Street, Balsall Heath. He's also listed on the 1911 census as a carpenter/joiner, living at Tindal Street, Balsall Heath. So they obviously moved around a bit. The Hosier is probably not connected at all, unless he had a change of job for a while! It would be good to find a census record to remove the possibility though. Any suggestions would be very useful.