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Clarke Julie

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Can anyone tell me the birth and death date of this person please, she was born in 1964 or there abouts, Died bout 13 years ago give or take a year, Daughter of Vera and Robert Clarke,
Her daughter died also i think they were burried together, think she was about 5, anything on her also if possible
Julie Clarke mmn Pickard was born in September 1970 her death is registered in may 1992 Birmingham age 21.
Stacey Veronica Clarke born 13th October 1988 died May 1992 age 3 Bham

Julie was the daughter of Robert J Clarke and Veronica Pickard who married in Birmingham in 1967.
Your Amazing

Thanks, :) How do you do it, how, where do you go and look to find all the answers,

How can i find out Births Deaths, who married who and when and where, and so on without asking for everything on here
You can subscribe to one of the sites which index this information
I subscribe to Ancestry.com.
Wii do

I will have a look now, any others i can have a look at,
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Done it

Have joined the one you mentioned Alberta, game on, am looking forward to this :D
no good

Well i have been on the one you mentioned Alberta for the last hour and did not find diddley squat, i put in exact dates, places everything, i even searched my own birth and marriage and could not find that, it asks for exact dates, names and places, i give them and it comes up with the world and his mother, i have not got the patience to give exact details and then sift through dates 100 years or so before and after the dates i gave so will look for another one, Thanks anyway
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Buttercup I think you are trying to run before you can walk. Just concentrate on one family. You also need to send for certificates before you can confirm you have the right person. When you have a certificate work on the extra information given. Family History takes a lot of time and patience. People here can help but not do it for you as that takes all the fun out of it. The Birth Death and Marriage records are far from complete you have to remember they are all transcribed by volunteers and the later the date the less information. My birth and marriage is not on there either. This is a mamouth task and will take years. I applaud all the wonderful volunteer's who have done such a brilliant Job up to now.
I don't understand

Why when it asks for exact dates, places and name, do i give it ex, Born 1964, married Lichfield 1993, give the correct names does it give me pages and pages of people, if it is going to do that, why ask you to put the exact information in, it is not using it, i searched for my marriage, i am sure there are only one of me and my husband who married on that day at that place, yet it gave me marriages dating back to 1811, what was the point of asking to put dates in, you know what i mean, i thought i would learn how to use the Search place Alberta gave me, so i started on something easy to find my way around, i was as mad as a hatter and had a screaming head when i had finished, i am just finding it no fun now Moma P, i can not find what i am looking for and am getting so cross, have been on others this afternoon and they are so, i dont know, i dont know how Alberta, or any of you for that matter do it, i just don't :(
i cant seem to find anything and can't keep asking all of you to find stuff for me, think i will give it up as a bad joke. :cry:
As I said these indexes are not complete, so if you put in the information and the first one to appear is not yours it probably isn't transcribed. The reason you get lists of names is these are alternatives if as sometimes happens the information you put in is not correct. Census information is usually easier but then it only goes up to 1901. Sometimes if you haven't got a clue its a good idea to join a club or go to a colledge that run family history courses. I am sorry you are so frustrated but I think you need to reasearch where to start first.
Tell Me

So tell me Moma P, where do i start, do you know of a place i can join, i don't mind paying, but somewhere that is pretty easy for me to start and will just give the information i have asked for, i don't mind looking through 100 or so names, as long as they are the names i have asked for, is that Ancestry.com easy and i am just doing it wrong do you think or what, i really don't want to quit now but i am stuck, i was so happy last night as Alberta helped, she is a wizz, she finds things in no time and i managed to do a bit more of my tree, i suppose its practice, i will have another go on that ancestry one, if it will have me back, i joined then cancelled out of frustration.
Got it

Hi Diane, :) Thanks, have sorted Julie now, Alberta found her for me, if you want a challenge though you can look up Ronald Bridgeman, think his middle name was Edwin he died about 50 years ago, give or take a couple, drowned at sea while swimming in wales, his body was washed up a couple of weeks after he drown, Husband of Dorothy Jones DOB 18.04.1936, father of Stephen and Myra Bridgeman, they are about 50 and 52 now. have been searching him all day with no joy, its as though he never existed.
Sorry Buttercup,

I didn't see all the previous posts that other members had posted, looks like Alberta cracked it for you

It is frustrating when you cannot find something on web sites but as Moma P said it is very time consuming and it takes years and a lot of patience, but the feeling you get when you finally find that elusive ancestor is worth all the hard work. I have been researching my family tree for almost two years and I am still a novice, but I took one step at a time, started with the things I knew (ie Dad - got his birth certificate, found his mom's maiden name, then looked at age of eldest child, worked out approximate year of marriage and took it from there.

You can try the LDS website (run by the mormon church) I found a lot of my grandmothers family on there.

Good luck with your search:)
Where from

Where do you get Birth and Death Certificates from
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If a person was born, died or married in Birmingham then you go Birmingham Register Office either in person, by post or online - but they only hold records for events in Birmingham.

If say you had a relative who lived in Chelmsley wood or Solihull then you apply to solihull register office.

You can also apply via the General Register Office - they have website so you can apply on line - they hold ALL records.

The register offices will do a general search for births but I'm not sure about deaths and marriages.

A general search is what I have just requested :

Birth 1850 - Henry Sheppard - they will then search two years either side of that year (including that year as well) for Henry sheppard matching the parents names I gave.

Hope this helps.
Im far from being an expert with regard to genealogy. What I do know is there are a number of qualities you need, one is patience. :cool: I think also you must really have a passion to find your roots, not just a passing interest for instant results. Genealogy is like a mature garden, it takes a very long time to achieve the look and feel that gardeners strive for. My advice is to visit one of the many libraries that have good genealogy sections and ask the staff for some personal advice. We have a really helpfull friendly guy in Tamworth. There are very many books to that explain step by step.
If you dont have the patience to enter exact detail then I would think after a time you will end up with perhaps a list of names and dates that have littel relevance to you family history. I have known a few people who assure me they have a direct link to king offa or the viking gods but they are just kidding themselves. :)

There is an enormous ammount to learn about genealogy and how it might unravel your own family tree, you cant possibly get from A-B in one step if you think you can, then perhaps its better to employ a researcher.
Thanks for that Rod

i agree, i have no patience :redface: but for the last 2 years i have been sat with a pencil, ruler and pieces of paper the size Architects use, i have planned and penciled, and added and corrected, all by hand, my garden was maturing when i realised :rolleyes:, i had no more room for it in the house, so for the last 6 months have been transfering it onto my PC, exact details are something i strive for, after 2 years of pen and paper, i was not looking forward to doing it all again, :cry: by putting it onto my PC, i have, and i am happy with it :) , my tree so far, is plentyful, now i am trying to add to it, i started at A, i am at about E or F now,(maybe) it will take years, i know that, i have years to do it, but every now and again its nice, to not think about it, but that's nearly impossible, i eat sleep and live my tree, like so many others, so, even having no patience, i am doing it, and i will get there :).
Its becomes difficult when the immediate family run out of information and you have to start searching for it, never having to search far, it has proved difficult, but i will succede, of that i am sure. :)
Buttercup I am amazed you have got this far without sending for certificates how do you know you have the right family.:shocked:
with Difficulty

it was not easy, trudging round family, relatives, begging and borrowing, searching in draws and cupboards, asking too many question and taking too many notes, making photo copies, going through dead peoples stuff, (with permission), sometimes mooching in places i should not, making a real pain of myself, i have my brothers, sisters, and all the immediate family of myself, my Husband, my Son, and a few others, but familys split up and loose contact, fall out, and its those i search now, i have done well, up until now, i have, this is where it gets difficult, its hard work but i love it, i have a filing cabinet of what some call useless paperwork but to me its not, its priceless.
Here is your Ronald Bridgman, Buttercup. Notice the spelling no e between the g and m.

Ronald E Bridgman September Quarter 1959 Pwllheli ref 8A 127.

If you want to order a death certificate you can do it via FreeBMD, just type that into Google or your browser, it is a free site where you can look up B M & D. Early dates are all transcribed on this site, it is a voluntary site and not yet complete. So you won't find Ronald on there, but if you follow the link you can order a birth, marriage or death certificate on line from Stockport. When you are on the site clickon information and then scroll down to Certificates.They are £8.
I don't believe it

i don't, i have been all day looking for him, and all because of an e, he is a new part of my tree and i was told that was how you spell it, thanks a lot, i really apreciate it, thanks, i wont make the same mistake again, Thanks
Hi Buttercup

Have only just found this thread. The search engines on these sites all vary in their reaction to the amount of info you put in but you do get used to that but with most of them you are better off starting with the most basic information, christian and surname, no middle name, year and county. I can tell you that it is not very often the one you are looking for comes at the top of the list, in this patience is a virtue, try not to run before you can walk. People are always posting hints and tips so try and read as much as you can all the different threads and then try them for yourself, it is a bit of a steep learning curve but, and i know others will agree, you never stop learning in this game.
Moma P has already mentioned this and i do agree with her, we have seen many people try doing research without getting what we call hard or verified evidence that links the generations only to find to their dismay they have researched the wrong family, certificates contain information that links family members to each other and i would highly recommend that if possible you obtain these, i would hate to see all your good work getting information from family be wasted when i know how great you will feel when a certificate confirms your research. You are doing the right thing getting as much from your family as you can, 9 times out of 10 it makes finding that one person you are looking for more likely.
For Birmingham cert's you can use this site --


For all areas you can use the GRO site --


Hope this helps

It all helps

Thanks to all of you,

I bet you get a bit fed up of us new commers asking and than asking again but its the only way we learn, with the help of good kind people like yourselves, and lets face it, we were all beginners, i bet if you think back it was a pretty grey area when you all started, i have got my neice helping me, she is 10, she is not too interested but am sure she will grow into it, all the information i have gathered so far, has been vetted with a fine tooth comb ,so i hope i can carry on without any errors, it helps also sharing with each other where we (you) get your information from, i have subscribed to 4 sites today, its an expensive game when you don't know where to go, to find out what you want, so you try every where, mind you, i have joined and still don't know how to use the search engines, it will come, eventually, although i hope i don't have too many days like today, its been a disaster, apart from Di Poppet finding Ronald for me, and i have to find him myself now to get his details, what will tomorrow bring, i dare not think.

thanks again everyone
We don't get fed up with people asking for help. Buttercup. I think we all enjoy the challenge. It's great when there is a breakthrough in a brick wall.

Good luck in your sleuthing, because that is what it is, and enjoy it. It's meant to be fun;)
Can anyone tell me the birth and death date of this person please, she was born in 1964 or there abouts, Died bout 13 years ago give or take a year, Daughter of Vera and Robert Clarke,
Her daughter died also i think they were burried together, think she was about 5, anything on her also if possible
Vera was my nan do you have any information on Robert Clarke he's my grandad would love to meet him