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City - Broad Street - Masonic Temple and Municipal Bank


Brummie yes ! Novice no !
The 'then' pictures are taken from old postcards, the 'now' pictures taken from Google Streetview.
The older of the pictures is thought to date from the 1920's or 30's. I believe the Masonic Temple fell victim to the wrecking ball in the 1940's

I recall that Municipal Bank quite well. I hasd an account there and would go and deposit the odd shilling or so I got for Birthdays. My Mom used to say look at howm much interest you have earned.. I also recall when Broad St was rebuilt in that area . A base of big rocks with smaller rocks on top and later on Pipe bands couter matching up and dow, There was a raised white ledge about 2 ft tall and 2 ft wide ran alon the side of the foot path in Broad St just about opposite the Bank That would have been around 1931
I always thought the municipal building had gone?.... just goes to show eyes open but not always seeing Ian lol
Coming up Broad St in those days toward Five Ways ..On the same side as the bank . About opposit The Bingley Hall st was an Electrical shop They had a T.V set working in the window. About 9 inches in sze Flickering away with a bluish sort of light. It was the first TV I ever saw. My 2 brothers and I used to ga and watch it . Yhat was around 1937/38 Furhter up toward Five Ways again Reeve and Stedford Car sales They had a car with 2 steering wheels for teaching folk to drive Same time period From memory it was on the corner of Berkely st . BOC had a works in Berkely St and my Dad was aforeman there ........ He used to say there was enough Acetylene gas there to blow up half of Brum
The photos in post #1 appear to have been lost, so here's one of the Masonic Temple. An interesting car parked outside the building and the Municipal Bank just in view to the right.
View attachment 192936
Thanks for that pic Viv , I lived just off Broad St not far from here and in the 14years I was there I had no idea there was a masonic hall there, where the left side of the front door is in the late 50's early 60's there was a Wimpy shop . that was where me and a mate used to stare through the window for hours looking at the man cooking the burgers and hoping we'd get one buckshee never did though nearest we got was a free glass of orange juice out of one of those machines with two oranges twirling round on top of the juice.
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