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Chewing Gum


master brummie
I was listening to a radio discussion yesterday concerning the problem of cleaning up the filthy habit of spitting chewing gum on the pavement and the costs involved in the clean up. One caller suggested it should be swallowed thus solving the problem, it reminded me that when I was a child we were told never to swallow gum as it would twist round our innards and kill us.
My sister literally stuck hers to the bed post/headboard. That was until one night it fell off while still soft and got entangled in her hair. She had to be practically scalped to get it all out.


Sorry, got distracted by y'man... who is he?

Anyway, I can't believe how much of the stuff get spit out around the streets. It is disgusting.

I get very annoyed at being served by shop assistants chewing when serving. Is it a different formula these days, as nobody seems to be able to chew it without opening and closing their jaw like a steam driven pump?

Or is it just me growing old and intolerant?

Do you remember the gum we used to have? I collected pop star cards with gum in...and remember the machines with the little packets of gum in, cant recall the name of them, was it wrigglies? Jackie
I remember Anglo Bubbly, Arrow? Bazooka? But I never did like any of them, and still dont now.

I can only chew gum for two minutes, after that theres no taste in it and I spit it out, IN TO THE BIN. How Alex Ferguson chewes for the whole of the first half amazes me, well not really amazes but you know.
Mom wouldn't let me have gum, she used the twist round your innards story; but an aunt didn't know this and let me have it when I stayed with her. When they were moving house and took the table down, there was a row of my gum firmly stuck underneath. :roll:
My daughter has just reminded me about a nun at her school who told them that chewing gum was made from the floor sweepings of sweet factories mixed with cat's guts.

Jackie, I think those machines were Wriggly's or PK. I know you got a free vend every fourth purchase (1d a time).

We used to stiff paper up the delivery chute then call back later to collect all the gum that couldn't be dispenses to the paying customers.
An old rhyme we chanted as kids.‚.…

PK a penny a packet
First you chew it
Then you crack it (bubble)
Once you've chewed it
Never stick it in your jacket.

Pom .‚..:)
Do you remember the sour grape flavour gum? they were a ball shape and purple. my mouth is watering remembering the sourness. :eek: Jubilees were also a favourite, was there one call ?fire.
I can remember taking back the empty milk bottle to get the penny on it and then purchase a penny ice loll.
There was also a shop near Bloomsbury street, use to sell small glasses of pop for a penny,; I mostly went for Dandelion & Burdock or Icecream Soda. I could do with a glass now :laugh:
We were told if we swallowed it it would wind round your heart and you would die a slow death!! :argh:

I agree with Oisin, I think it is so ill mannered of people who chew whilst serving you or talking to you.

I was always taught you DO NOT eat in the street. Nowadays,all you see are folks stuffing their faces

with burgers or pasties or any food!!!! and then throw down the wrappings for others to pick up :tickedoff: :tickedoff:
My first recall of chewing gum, was standing on the corner of snow hill 1945 and seeing and hearing "GOT ANY GUM CHUM" when two YANKS (American army) passed by.
I agree with the comments about 'gum' litter,it's discustin'. When I was in Singapore recently, they had banned the sale of chewing gum for that reason.