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Charles Walker - Clockmaker - Snow Hill Station


Brummie babby

I am looking for any information i can get, I remember as a child my Grandmother showing me a photograph of a huge clock hanging in Snow Hill Station with the name Walker across the dial and being told that her Grandfather had made this clock. I have researched the family tree and it shows Charles Walker as a clockmaker but cannot find the company would anyone have any pictures of this clock or anything at all that can help me.

Many Thanks
I know it doesn't help with your query on Charles Walker but I found this on a website and found it quite interesting: When the station was closed the original clock was brought by a commuter for £125 who had met his future wife under the clock years before. He said he intended to put the clock up on his farm in Uttoxeter. They had found that information in The Daily Mirror 1st July 1969.
Thank you so much, i am grateful of any information and this answers a question i have wondered about for a while. Such a lovely romantic story too :)
There has been a previous thread on the clock at https://birminghamhistory.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=17141 , in which (page 3 of thread) I pointed out that a 1977 sunday mercury article (which I am unable to find at this moment) stated that the clock was then at the Wightwick school for handicapped children near Wolverhampton and gave a poor photo (below). It also gave a link to google streetview for the school which seemed to show the clock still there . It is also copied below.


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That's confusing isn't it. I wonder when it was put on the School? Maybe the person who bought it in 1969 sold it again or gave it away?
I found these two letters in the Birmingham Daily Post 1881 - both from people complaining about the size and working order of the clock at Snow Hill and also that there was only a clock on one side of the station.
The clock on Mikes picture above - and on the link given by Wendy - looks huge so was it replaced after 1881? And if it was replaced did they then have two clocks - one for each side of the station?
Letters dated 11 January 1881 and 14th January 1881


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On a Staffordshire council document dated October 2011 detailing questions raised under the freedom of information policy someone had asked how many clocks the council owned/where they were and if they were in working order - the one at Wightwick Hall School is included in the answer:

WIGHTWICK HALL SCHOOL -----Ex Snow Hill railway station Clock with two faces, believed to be in working order but currently out of
use, repair history not known, responsibility of the school direct.
Well done on that research Polly and Mike. How sad that the clock may not be being looked after. Another piece of our history passed around and lost. It is nice to know where it is though.