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Can anyone find this street on the map?

Not too sure of this but I do not think all of the parish you seek is on this particular map, you need to go slightly more to the right .
I agree with dib. This map doesn't show all of St. Philip's. If you look above the E where it starts to say Market Ward, you will see St. Philip's marked. But it only has a small portion of the ward.


You need to look at the Eastern section of the map. Could the street you are looking for be ColmORE S. which is now Colmore Row? Just above St Phillips and Market Hall Ward.

Thanks to everyone for their help. Hm I am stumped now, I was going to ask if anyone knew how I could see a map with the full area of St Philips on, as the one I mentioned doesn't show the east side completely, but with mikejee saying that they aren't listed on the index he mentioned I am now at a loss of what to do next.

A very kind person offered to check a baptsim record for me from 1831 St Philips, and they said it wasn't Colmore Street there was definitely only 3 letters and they mentioned that they asked another person and they agreed with them.

Back to the drawing board I think.
That seems a good idea Mike, but Fore st isn't listed in the 1849 directory. Have gone through the streets in the 1849 directory. There aren't many with only 3 letters (assuming it is labelled Street, otherwise i'd suggest a distortion of A.B.Row). Those listed are;
cox,Doe,Bow,Fox,Doc,Sun,Gem and Gas.
I've just been looking through a few old maps and directories to see if I can throw any light on your problem, and have only come up with a load more fog to confuse us.
I never realised that the wards which were set up under the Borough Charter of 1838 did not match the parishes. St Philip's church was actually in the ward of St Peter's, Dale End, as was Christchurch round the corner, and St Bartholomew's, off Duddeston Row.
I also looked up some street names, and found very few with only three letters. Two in this category are Fox Street and Doe Street, both just past St Bartholomew's church.
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Hi all!! I did the look up, but if anyone goes to the library, and has time to check, see what they think! Thanks.
Hello everyone and thanks for the interest and for the help with the name of the street mystery. Regarding Peter's message on the 18 January I did manage to find a Fox Street but couldn't find Doe Street. Hello sheronbe thanks for replying on here as well. Sheronbe kindly looked up the baptism record for me at the library, it was on the IGI but I needed help with looking at the actual baptism record to confirm the names of the parents on it.
Just to let you know that sheronb very kindly once again looked at the baptsim record for me and said the name of the street is Ore Street and she mentioned that someone else had a look at it as well. So I think that lays to rest the name of the street. I am going to post a new request to see if anyone can help in another part of Warwickshire. Thanks to all again.:)
