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Can anyone beat this.

G G Jean

Brummy Wench.
I came from Holte road and lived there till I was twenty. Have been counting forum members and six came from my road. Johny Harriss, Patty, Denise Hodson, Marie Wigley,Sky Blue [Helen my neice] and myself. TTFN. Jean.
I can beat that Jean. I came from Dudley Rd Hospital, there were hundreds of us from there.
You are not the first to say that. Mentioning no names I was told people should have held paying their rates. Chocks that is cheating as I was born and bred in Holte road if you get the drift. Jean.
There are as many from Clifton Rd.Aston.
One lived up the same yard as me...Harold in the next yard...Nephriti and Nutter...two from Gothic Terrace and myself.

There might be more....
OK RAY you win then. Can't count Fay though cos she left ages ago [the forum] that is. TTFN. Jean.
Can't beat you number wise, but percentage wise, out of our little cul-de-sac of 20 houses in Copeley Street, we have 10% - Brenda Barr and myself.
I think we should call it a draw Sylvia and I bet you lost sleep Ray trying to think of another?. Only kidding. Jean.