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Camden Street Primary School

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the doc

I have been in Australia for nearly 40 years and would love to hear from anyone from my school years in Birmingham.

I went to Camden Street Primary School, Ladywood around 1949 - 1955

Would love to hear from anyone who was at the school around the same time or who could let me have photographs and/or history af what has happened to the buildings over the past 40 years


Jeff Holloway
Hello Doc :) & even a Colloquial,,G,day,
Nice to have you back from "walkabout", 40 years drinkin cold beer,:cool:
Quite a few on here, Icknield Street & locale so you should get a few
responses,,somebody will dig(ger) up a photo for ya,
s,cuse puny pun, but you gotta have a bit o stick so you know,,
You,re back,, brummie M8,, best regards John Y
Hello Jeff - I went to Camden Street school between 1948-1954 and lived at 11 College Street - did you also live in this street opposite my house? Do you remember Mr. Hickman who was my last teacher there?Do you know me?
Nice to hear from you after all these years its been some years between your last visit on the site here and its even more years since i last seen you not so long back i met up with one of the isons they are doing well for them selfs in the building trade and also they are doing the van hire bussines
now [ new vans quite smart ] with there names plastered all over them they are also scaffolding trade
it reminds me of the day many many years ago we borrowed a car from you and went to london in it for the day on a saturday and came back on
the sunday do you remember a wholly watkins always looked like the fonze on telly with his leather jacket and sun glasses
he got killed in a motor accident some years ago the old chimmey sweep he bought the cros keys for a while and then sold it to his daughter kathy and her husband ron they all used to drink in the colledge arms which as long gone i beleive we have pics of the cross keys in steward street if you remember it was across the way from you thats has been kept and rebuilt and moderized in and out and extente back to larger premises
we have pics of it on the forum and what is left of colledge rd ;
jeff its great to hear from you and to know you are still with us best wishes to you and your family
all the best jeff Astonian ;;
My friends mother we think was born in 223 Camden Street, would this have been the school she went to? Were there any others nearby?

My friends mother we think was born in 223 Camden Street, would this have been the school she went to? Were there any others nearby?

Re Camden Street School - as mentioned earlier I went to this school between 1948-1954 and lived at 11 College Street then. I don't know where in Camden Street No. 223 was (I guess it all changed long ago).My name by the way is Dennis Robinson, my mother's name was Ivy and dad was Cal. My sister's name is Christine and we lived at 11 College street until 1955 when we moved to Shakespeare Road in Ladywood.
Anyone out there who remembers me and my family is perfectly welcome to contact me at dendartmoor@hotmail.co.uk to share memories and take trips down "memory lane"

Regards to you old(er) Brummies.


PS. I used to play with Jeff Holloway when we were kids in College Street.
Hello Jeff
Can't add to your post as my timing at Camden Street primary was 1955 through to the eleven plus exam in 1961.
Looks as though you left as I was arriving!
We had recently moved house from 2/64 Hingeston Street, "up the hill" all the way to 253 New Spring Street. This was almost at the top at the junction with Crabtree Road.
The Headmaster during my time was Mr Shewring - seem to remember his office at the top of a tiny staircase.
I've got a couple of old school reports here, 1959 with Mrs Morgan as class teacher and the final report from 1961 with good old Mr Hickman.
Mr Hickman was an inspiring teacher and have fond memories of his enthusiasm and encouragement. His work was definitely responsible for my passing the Eleven Plus exam.
I did play for the football team and recall matches played on the "all weather" pitch at Summerfield park.
Some names of class mates come flooding back - Mark Stringer from Camden St., Graham Soloman, Marguerite Jones from Prescott St.
Martin Hems was a little older, also lived in New Spring St. and played for the football team.
During this period, also joined the cubs at the scout group (Brookfields?) that was run from the church hall adjoining the school on New spring St.
Left Camden St. in summer of 1961 ready to start a whole new episode at Lordswood Technical school in Bearwood.

As a footnote, new to this site and can't find a specific thread / Street reference for New Spring Street - maybe time to start one..................
Welcome aboard to our forum
On the subject of new spring street we did have a load of pictures of the street and memories of people
from the street but unfortunelately these have been hackedand lost saddly to say
Ican recall newspring street and the area very well indeed as i grew up around the area and went to ickneild street school
On the brook
I noticed you made contact with my old friend doc holloway its been years since i spoke with him
do you recall the coal wharf at the top of the street where you borrowed the old builders hand carts for a half crown
there is alot of hingegestion street and brookie and george street west and spring hill but the mention of new spring street
Is limited b ut i may be allowed to mention there is another forum if you did not know about and that is called old ladywood
Site, and there is new spring street is mentionioned and a couple of pictures
but i will not slate this site nor write it off as this is the best site ever for learning and seein history of your old end
should you contact doc, give him my regards and that the ladywood site is very limited
but there is alot of family groups of the street on there
to be quite honest new spring street did not have much going for itself as i recall only big family
there was two pictures of the two pubs that was at the top and bottom end of newspring street
along time ago but they was taken by people unknown
still thou roger we may gey some one else from the street come foreward for you
as we are getting chop oblock on this forum now as we are so popular every day
well i will end here for now and hope we can hear from you again soon and see you on this site
have your self a good day , best wishes Astonian,,,, Alan,,,,
Good morning Alan and thanks for the welcome - appreciate it.
I thought it only correct to refer to the original poster but haven't been in touch with them.

I do remember the coal wharf and of course at the top of New Spring St. the houses opposite all had the canal running at the back of their gardens. The canal was supposed to be off limits, but boys will be boys!

Thanks for the heads up on the Ladywood site - haven't seen that one.
The site that has some interest though is called "Winson Green to Brookfields" and again has lots of references to New spring St and the surrounding area. We left the area in 1968/9, so all the school years and first job were all from that base.

Take care out there, Regards, Roger.
Hi Roger
Yes i forgot to mention winson green and the brookie i am very familiar with the winson green area
the two pubs i mentioned about the top and bottom of newspring street , was in fact
called the Laurells at the bottom of new spring street , and just around the corner into Hingestion street
about 300 yards around the corner was the rose crown
On both pubs after different years between both Gathers wa involved with trouble
the Laurells was stabbed and that guy was hickey there family ran alot of pubs around brum
they was tough in there pubs a no nonesence theme or you out but this one night there was a young guy
and his mates playing up they gave him a hard time and one stabbed him there was two involved
both got five years borstal the other one at the rose crown was alledging an affair with a lady whom i knew very well
but to cut the stort short her husband was a lazy so and so never worked on a friday sent her across the road to the out door
gone for ages , she came back and he accused her of having an affair then then row,
He picked up the axe struck her in the head
at the moment i can only rcall two familys , they are the thompsons , and the Adams family whomlived abit up from you
Hingegestion street as got alot of history and full of action it was
compared to new spring street which was fairly quite
well roger , as i have said fire away ion this forum and you and might get the pictures of new spring street
even trace your ancestors if you are looking for old family history or old friends
even tell your memories that we can all share we are all one happy family on here
If there is any think you want to know or asked the questiom this is the forum
take care best wishes Astonian,, Alan,,,
Hello Jeff
Can't add to your post as my timing at Camden Street primary was 1955 through to the eleven plus exam in 1961.
Looks as though you left as I was arriving!
We had recently moved house from 2/64 Hingeston Street, "up the hill" all the way to 253 New Spring Street. This was almost at the top at the junction with Crabtree Road.
The Headmaster during my time was Mr Shewring - seem to remember his office at the top of a tiny staircase.
I've got a couple of old school reports here, 1959 with Mrs Morgan as class teacher and the final report from 1961 with good old Mr Hickman.
Mr Hickman was an inspiring teacher and have fond memories of his enthusiasm and encouragement. His work was definitely responsible for my passing the Eleven Plus exam.
I did play for the football team and recall matches played on the "all weather" pitch at Summerfield park.
Some names of class mates come flooding back - Mark Stringer from Camden St., Graham Soloman, Marguerite Jones from Prescott St.
Martin Hems was a little older, also lived in New Spring St. and played for the football team.
During this period, also joined the cubs at the scout group (Brookfields?) that was run from the church hall adjoining the school on New spring St.
Left Camden St. in summer of 1961 ready to start a whole new episode at Lordswood Technical school in Bearwood.

As a footnote, new to this site and can't find a specific thread / Street reference for New Spring Street - maybe time to start one..................
My grandparents lived at 246 New Spring Street and my mum (and her 2 brothers) grew up there. Their house backed onto the canal! My nan worked at the Birmingham Box on Western Road. I was only young when they lived in New Spring Street, but I remember having such happy times going to visit them in the 60's, playing in the yard; the echoing entries were always exciting to stomp down, the cobbled streets, taking the empty bottles back to the outdoor, the cellar was spooky, cold and dank and the attic was always a great place to mooch around with lots of interesting stuff, such as Grandad's ukulele! The houses have long gone, but I can still tell where 246 New Spring Street stood by looking on Google Maps. I can see the factories along the canal (with the fans built into the walls) - I remember them so well from playing in the yard!! Happy Memories. Angie
Hello Angie - Great to hear of your memories of New Spring St. My family were right opposite at 253 so we must have known your grandparents. What is the family name?
I also worked at Bham Box between 1968 and 1973, again would be good to know your nan's name to see if our paths crossed. I suspect she may have been there earlier than me as it would have been obvious to have someone living opposite at the same workplace.
I was born 1950 so during early 60's would still have been kicking a football around in the street and running up and down to the outdoor on the corner and around to the chip shop. Happy Days!
Regards, Roger
Wow! - 90 years ago, almost to the day. Not a bare head in sight.
You can sense the excitement, probably the first time most of these kids will see the seaside - Brill!
Richard Ziza, aka "Ricky Springhill" - seem to think he lived at the bottom of New Spring St towards Icknield St. Also seem to remember him driving a Bond Bug! Great to see you are as sharp as ever Vic.
American visitors to Camden Street fostering Anglo-American friendships. Viv.


Source: Birmingham Mail, British Newspaper Archive


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Hello Jeff
Can't add to your post as my timing at Camden Street primary was 1955 through to the eleven plus exam in 1961.
Looks as though you left as I was arriving!
We had recently moved house from 2/64 Hingeston Street, "up the hill" all the way to 253 New Spring Street. This was almost at the top at the junction with Crabtree Road.
The Headmaster during my time was Mr Shewring - seem to remember his office at the top of a tiny staircase.
I've got a couple of old school reports here, 1959 with Mrs Morgan as class teacher and the final report from 1961 with good old Mr Hickman.
Mr Hickman was an inspiring teacher and have fond memories of his enthusiasm and encouragement. His work was definitely responsible for my passing the Eleven Plus exam.
I did play for the football team and recall matches played on the "all weather" pitch at Summerfield park.
Some names of class mates come flooding back - Mark Stringer from Camden St., Graham Soloman, Marguerite Jones from Prescott St.
Martin Hems was a little older, also lived in New Spring St. and played for the football team.
During this period, also joined the cubs at the scout group (Brookfields?) that was run from the church hall adjoining the school on New spring St.
Left Camden St. in summer of 1961 ready to start a whole new episode at Lordswood Technical school in Bearwood.

As a footnote, new to this site and can't find a specific thread / Street reference for New Spring Street - maybe time to start one..................
hi im marguerite jones now burke lovely memories
hi im marguerite jones now burke lovely memories
Hello Marguerite - Fantastic to hear you've found this site and have decided to post a response!
It's been long time - 60 years - since we all split up and went off to our respective secondary schools.
I hope you have kept well and had a happy life. Lovely memories indeed!