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C. Hughes & Co. Diadem Works - Tenby Street North



We are researching (and collecting) 1930s plastic ware and are looking for information about a company called C Hughes & Co Ltd who were located in Tenby Street North in premises called Diadem Works. We know that they were there in 1939 but have no idea which building this actually was. They had moved there from Albion Street (also Diadem works) at some time between 1922 and 1939. If anyone has any information/pictures etc. , or even knows which building on Tenby Street North it was, we would be very grateful. We went to Tenby Street North on Sunday but couldn't find any trace!
Thanks in advance
In 1962 they are listed as fancy goods manufacturers at Nos 43&44 Tenby St north.
A visit to the library might find something, but, as you are some distance away, it is probably advisable to telephone them first to see what your chances are. Just a little more information. The factory was still in Kelly's in 1964. I can't quite make out the exact position, but, on the view from virtual earth attached, it is on the north side between the Carver st end (apparently no 38 and) the corner building (57-59), both marked. I suspect actual building is no longer there. If it does survive then I would guess it must be the building marked X
good luck

Hi Applecroft;
I have looked at the pic supplied by Mikejee & can confirm he's right
I lived in Tenby st north in 1942 as child at Kemps factory steelrollers my parents
were caretakers/workers at said site then we moved round the corner to
42 Tenby street for the next 28 years. The patch of ground to the left was used
as a bicycle speedway track. The factory used to make lots of bakelite products
doorknobs/ashtrays etc. Hope this helps.
Ignore this picture as it is not of Tenby St north after all - I thought it looked too narrow & wrong somehow despite the id given elsewhere on BHF. See the clarification below by Liberty, for which I am indebted.
Here is another, apparently of Tenby St North near the corner of Carver St. Again clarifications welcome as I was not there at the time.
I think the charabanc is in Carver St, with tenby st north in the background
Hi to Bordesley Exile,
The pic that you put up was taken from the book on Pat Roach
I personally think it was taken in either Regents Place or Regents Walk off Regent
Street/Jewellry Quarter. It certainly isn't Tenby Street North I lived in the area for
30 years.
Well spotted Liberty & thanks for the correction. Do you know if there many Birmingham photos in Pat Roach's Birmingham or is it predominantly text? I had not heard of this book before.
hi all...well i originally thought it had the look of hylton st...off vyse st...but i surpose there must have been many little places like that round there....i have just been lent a lovely book all about the jewelley quarter so i will go through it later to see if there are any pics of interest....


I think I originally told you that this location was Tenby St North after reading Pat Roach's book, well at least that is where I think I got the location from.

By the way BordesleyExile the book is good reading and only has about 8 or 10 pages of photo's if I remember correctly.

I have since looked in Kelly's, and A.T. Jones Ring Maker the sign on the right is listed at 77 Spencer Street. The trouble is I don't think that is the location either. Any other offers.

I think liberty 10 may be correct . Searching for "YSTEX" in the pdf of 1940 Kellys I came up with:

Fulford-Brown Bros. (1929)
Ltd,(CRYSTEX glass panels, pendants,fittings &c.), 6 Regent parade

Looking at Regent parade there was :

3 Jones,Arthur T gold ring maker
So Jones would be the yellow ( for gold) building on the map below
hi phil..yes and the caption say tenby st north...but as we all know they can be wrong...maybe if we can look at some maps and see what streets were shaped in a square as clearly this one does....here we go again...yet another puzzle....lol

Hi Bordesley Exile;
The book I think is printed by Brewin books and I would think you
could obtain from Waterstones in the town or pop the title onto Amazon there
you get it cheaper , they do good discounts on all books worth a look.
Back to Pat Roach god bless him, in his profile he says he lived in Tenby St North
well I lived there for 30 years and I cant remember him or the family, I saw him
wrestle a few times also in & about the town in pubs & clubs and on his car lot
on the Washwood Heath Road. Hope this helps my old son.. Liberty 10
Hi Mikejee;
Thanks for the acknowlegdement regarding Regents Place, I think this
view would have been taken from Caroline St with the left angle in the pic going
towards Regent St. Cheers Mate