post 15 map calls it bromfield house viv..either error on the map or the newspaper snippet..sounds like it was a bad fire which may have resulted in the house being completely demolished..I think it was most probably Bromford House.
View attachment 198255
Source: British Newspaper Archive
thanks viv thanks for the new threadThis is probably the preice address of Bromford House: #6 Birchfield Road, Six Ways Aston. Maybe it could be checked in records.
View attachment 198257
Source: British Newspaper Archive
That's a great piece of information Vivienne. It goes somewhat to explaining the demise of the house. Perhaps the reason why they built the bank on their drive was because the house was by then derelict.Bromford House was damaged by fire in 1892. It's location was in a prominent position at Six Ways.
View attachment 198256
Source: British Newspaper Archive
Hi Brummie-lad, I just noticed that Richards Lewis Spokes owned the building we knew as House that Jack Built. The sign on that building shows Lewis S Richards Ltd.I wonder if it was rebuilt after the fire? I have found this entry on the 1896 electoral register but it could be for No. 6 built on the site after demolition of Bromford (Bromfield) House.