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Britannia Place, St Paul's Square?


master brummie
Several people on my family tree were born in Britannia Place, St Paul's Square, between 1900 and 1910.

I was hoping it would be easy to track down, as that area is relatively well preserved, but none of the maps I looked at, old or modern, had any trace of it.

I did however find Britannia Court at 27 St Paul's Square in the excellent 1849 History of Birmingham, downloadable from here:


and also found that the Britannia Public house was at number 27 in the 1905 Kellys Directory.

Does anyone know anything more about Britannia Place, Court or Pub? Would the court have been behind the pub?

Thanks and regards

The 1873 directory shows Britannia Court as being next to no 27 , James Parker victualer, which again is next to Cox St. The 1913 map shows this as a blank space, so the court and pub must have been demolished before that. The 1890 map. however shows what must be Britannia court , marked in red, behind the Inn (as it is called on the map), down an entry next to the Inn. The map also shows the button works of William Foley Hall, which is also listed at no 29. in the 1873 directory.

Thank you very much Mike! Although that is pretty much what I expected, it is great to get confirmation.

Now I've got to try to find a pic ...

