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bridge st west


Staff member
hi mike...when time permits i wonder if i could have a map showing where 129 bsw was please...

thanks mike...

Glad to oblige Lyn. 129 in red.

thanks mike....just found out there are now 2 addresses for bsw so i wonder if you could mark out where number 126 on the map please...

thank you mike...

mike ive just looked at the map again and i think you have marked out new st west instead of bridge st west...:rolleyes:

when you have time could you please now mark out numbers 126 and 129 please...no rush mike..

many thanks....:)
Sorry about that. Must have been distracted. The map for Bridge st west is below. No 126 in blue, 129 in red

Hi mike
I lived in Richmond Place,(0pposite The Wellington pub) Bridge St.West in 1960-61.Can't remember the house numbers in B.S.W.that Richmond Place was behind.Would be pleased if you could find time to consult your maps re.this matter for me.
Can't find a Richmond place on Bridge St West. Only a Richmond Terrace, which is slightly to the east of the Wellington, on the opposite side of the road. This was between nos 72 & 77
Thanks for info and correction,it would have been Richmond Terrace and not Place.There were two rows of houses running at right angles off BSW.and I lived in No.10 the last but one on the right hand side.There was also two houses at the top facing down towards BSW.Even allowing for the noise and vibration that came from the factory that backed onto the house I quite enjoyed my stay there.Didn't think much of the Atkinsons beer that was sold in the Wellington though.The houses in Richmond Terrace had small front gardens which was unusual for that area.
Thanks again
Hi mike
Sorry to bother you again.It was in my mind as Richmond Place but thought my memory was playing up a bit when you said you could on only find Richmond Terrace.Have,however come across photos taken of the "nippers"in 1961 and photos are noted as being taken outside 10,Richmond Place.The situation you give for Richmond Terrace is identical to the one I remember for Richmond Place.Could name have been changed officially for some reason or perhaps unofficially over the years by the "locals".
It is listed as Richmond terrace until at least the 30s on maps, and in directories as that till at least 1962, but could well have been locally known as "place". I can't see any other long terrace(s) with at least 10 houses in them around that position other than that, so I'm pretty sure that is the one you are looking for.

Can you also help me? I am doing research into William Mills of Mills bomb/grenade fame. His 'Munitions' factory was at 192, Bridge Street West and was opened in addition to his Smethwick and Sunderland works during the First World War. It was next to a police station. Can you post a map with more of Bridge Street West including a date.

The Mills works appears to be next to the Vulcan rolling Mills, and so must be the buidling in red (though possibly not including all the buildings facing the road). Don't know which was the police station (which is nos 204,206). the outline of the works is the same in 1889, so have included larger scale map from that period also.
pembroke and alan if you have not already seen them there are lots of pics of bsw on the bridge st west thread...

The Mills works appears to be next to the Vulcan rolling Mills, and so must be the buidling in red (though possibly not including all the buildings facing the road). Don't know which was the police station (which is nos 204,206). the outline of the works is the same in 1889, so have included larger scale map from that period also.

hi mike bridge st police station is right on the corner of bsw and summer lane...built early 30s i believe and its still there...

Thanks for helping me to get my correct address of fifty years ago sorted out and also thanks to Astoness for excellent pics. of BSW.
bridge st west was hit pretty bad during the raids of 41/42..about 25 killed and 15 injured....looking at the list of names and ages of those who died really brings it to mind just what a horrible war it was....
