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Bordesley St Digbeth - Houses


master brummie
Bordesley St Digbeth.

Unusual to see houses left in the Digbeth area.These are three story terrace houses,and are viewable from their rear areas from Moor Street Station

If I remember most of these houses would have been demolished after the war during reconstruction.

There seems to be overgrown derelict land to the side.


hi wessex..great pics thank you...i read some time ago that there are big plans to redevelope the digbeth area...lets hope these houses being raised to the ground are not part of it....

One of these houses was for sale last year - £200 thousand +. That's city living for you!
One of these houses was for sale last year - £200 thousand +. That's city living for you!

Well they are a stone's throw from the centre,and a good size at 3 stories high.
Can't say anything about the condition,don't think there's any garden either,but not a bad price when you compare what you'd pay for a flat in a similar area,or a house the same size elsewhere.
I walked up this street a few days ago and find it so nostalgic, how have they survived i ask myself?. Some of them are looking a bit tatty to be honest it would be great if they could be preserved as there aren't many of this type of property left in Brum.
Hi guys
it was very nice to see that picture of the house down bordesly street i have memorys of going up and down many times in my childhood days seeing those particular houses and as i remember
there was a litle coffee shop some-where between them
and my grand parents home and coffee shop was on the corner
facing the hill of bordesley street i used to walk my grand parents dog up and down on sundays morning and at the top of bordesly street i remember a place and i was not quite sure what it was
either an old bombed church yard or a park i am thinking possible
a church yard because the was a couple of what looked like
grave stones lying around here and there thats where i would walk the dog up and around the block and come back on to new cannal street and back passing the hide and skin yard which did smell abit
the last time i was up and down that rd was in 1955
its amazing they have not bulldozed those house ,as you say they was there before the war ,may be they should do like they done with those other house up around the thearter
thanks for the memory ;;;
have a nice day best wishes astonian ;;;
Astonian,it was a graveyard at the top,and to the right.Here are some pics of various views from the top end of the road.
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I think the graveyard was to St Bartholowmew's which you can find on old maps of Brum. My Dad lived in this area and can remember the church derelict. I wonder what will happen to the rest of Digbeth, i do hope they save some of it!.
Most of the graves were mid 19th century,which would fit your theory brumgum.Knock down the church,but leave the gravestones.
hi wessexmany thanks for your time in down loading those
brilliant pics of the area and to bring me back wonderful memories
and thank you for confirming that it was a church yard
brummie said there was at one time a derlict chuch at one time
i never seen thatand the grounds was basicaly all concrete with a couple of head stones in black lying down on the ground
it was all open ground with rough fubble scattered around
there was an odd patch of grass here and there
to see it all neatly turfed it is lovely and proper
on one of the shots there was a arch way which i recall
and there was an house emediately along side it
it had little windows that would have been around 1953
getting back to the cemetry park
there used to be an old guy whom was involved with my grand parents and knew my mother as a child when rhey lived at the shop
and he was the gaoler at digbeth police station
and he always rode his bike through there on his hercules green police bike which they made at aston cross
when he retired from the police force he later became a park ranger
and moved into the aston park and patroled aeound aston hall
he then later moved to the edgbaston district to patrol summerfield park and around the edgbaston resser
he must have been around six feet tall with glasses and his name was horace he stood no nonsence and he would control the kids
and ride his bike around after them he always caught then up and gave then a stern talking too
so you have given me a wonderful memory of my days at my grand parents and new cannal st the area certainly looking good now
but what will happen to those historic houses
i hope they don,t bull doze them down
have a nice day wezz best wishes astonian ;;;;
I just noticed this thread a couple of years ago we were driving in that area, i can't remember the name of all the Roads,around New Canal St,but was suprised how many houses were there,occupied ib between Warehouses,factory's, there's a little pub,a cafe,has anybody got any photos of them?Hello Boulton there is a thread for nightclubs,
https://forum.birminghamhistory.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4001&highligh found the link for you
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