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Bordesley Green in Aston


Journeyman Brummie
I sent for my Aunt`s Birth Certificate born in 1905.
It says she lived at 121 Bordesley Green,Aston.
Does anyone know if this was a street or a Road,i can`t see
how you can just put Bordesley Green,
I would be grateful for any help.

Yes indeed as strange as it sounds there was and still is a Bordesley Green and a Bordesley Green East that runs from Cattell Rd in Small Heath right trough to the Meadway at Kitts Green or near to it.

A good photo of Bordesley Green or the Green as we called it. The first building on the left I am almost sure is the Elite Cinema. THe pub in the distance on the right is on the corner of Prince Albert Street. I think it was called the Victoria but could be wrong.

What is puzzling me is the building lying back on the right hand side with a bit of a hedge in front. It looks as though it could be a church or chapel but I cannot remember it although I was born and grew up in the area. Can anyone put me out of my misery?

Old Boy
Hi Brummie Nick,
Thankyou for the picture of Bordesley Green a good one as well,
I understand it now.
A good photo of Bordesley Green or the Green as we called it. The first building on the left I am almost sure is the Elite Cinema. THe pub in the distance on the right is on the corner of Prince Albert Street. I think it was called the Victoria but could be wrong.

What is puzzling me is the building lying back on the right hand side with a bit of a hedge in front. It looks as though it could be a church or chapel but I cannot remember it although I was born and grew up in the area. Can anyone put me out of my misery?

Old Boy

Hi Old Boy

I think the cafe on the far left of the picture was on the corner of Crown Road (I can't quite read the street name on the picture). Assuming I'm right, I lived in the flat over it for a few months in 1967. The 'bit of a hedge' is bushes growing on the triangle of land between the street in front of the chapel which comes down facing the Victoria pub, and Bordesley Green itself. The short side of the triangle which you cant see
in the picture was fronted by Bordesley Green Post Office. This triangle was called Bordesley Place. Bordesley Green is an area as well as a road,
as can be seen from the area sign at the left of the picture. Where I lived
was no 36A, so I guess your 121 was past Victoria Street and on the other side. It may still be there as I dont think there has been any redevelopment there, - I'll have a look next time I'm down that way. Bordesley Green extends down to Belchers lane, and the road carries on as a dual carriageway as Bordesley Green East.

Kind regards

What is puzzling me is the building lying back on the right hand side with a bit of a hedge in front. It looks as though it could be a church or chapel but I cannot remember it although I was born and grew up in the area. Can anyone put me out of my misery?

Methodist Church, by the mid 60s it was a warehoude for a sweets manufacturer.
What is puzzling me is the building lying back on the right hand side with a bit of a hedge in front. It looks as though it could be a church or chapel but I cannot remember it although I was born and grew up in the area. Can anyone put me out of my misery?

Methodist Church, by the mid 60s it was a warehoude for a sweets manufacturer.

And later it became the head office for J.J.Gallagher, well known builders.
Also, The Elite later became a snooker hall, and still is I believe. I played in there a few times.

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Hi Brummie Nick thankyou for posting the photo my mother was born at number 116 Bordesley Green road in 1907 is the photo any where near to it ?cheers Tom
Snooker hall is next door to the site of the Elite. I can remember it, but only as a derelict building.

Last time I looked, you could still see some green tiles on the outside of the wall, which mustve been the inside of the cinema.
Hi Nick thankyou for looking I am coming back to brum for a week in September it should be a month with all the people and places we are planning to see cheers Tom
The picture of the tram was taken approximately from the position of the red arrow on the 1901 map below. No 116 was on the north side close to five ways and was either the house in blue, or the one to the left of it. I think, but stand to be corrected by those who know the area, that no 116 would have been one of the last houses on the left of this photograph, just before the junction in the distance.

If your mother was born at 116 Bordesley Green Road then the photo is not of your mothers rd.

Bordesley Green Rd ran from Bordesley Green to Arden Rd. if it is in fact this road that your mother was born in then 116 came somewhere between Ronald Rd and Burbridge Rd on that side of the street.

Old Boy

About the area you are talking about. If you think back you will remember that it was the junction of Bordesley Green, Little Green Lane and Prince Albert Rd.

The Church was the Methodist Chapel near the end of Little Green Lane you would have probably not been able to see it from Bordesley Green back then.

When they closed two of those roads off at Bordesley Green it was made into a sort of garden feature for a while then it was converted into a seating area I haven't a clue what it is now.

In answer to a question that was posed by A photo of the much neglected Elite Cinema not long before it was demolished by the looks of it. A little further up the road is the snooker hall. As it can be seen they were two different buildings.



  • Small Heath Elite Coventry Rd .jpg
    Small Heath Elite Coventry Rd .jpg
    78.4 KB · Views: 10
Hi Phil,and Mike thanks to both of you for your input, having left b,ham in 1968 and only making fleeting visits I just hope my SAT nav can find my way around the streets that aint there anymore thanks again Tom
Heres one of a bit further down, opposite the Vic pub, more or less

Hi Col H

That's a great picture of Bordesley Green just before the lights at
the junction of Bordesley Green Road and Victoria Street. Do you remember the Douro Wine Store had an illuminated sign over the
entrance in the 1960s which was yellow with the black silhouette
of a caped man with a broad hat. I'm not sure now whether it was
their own sign or that of Sandeman Port. The remains of the Elite
cinema was behind the hoarding on the corner of Crown Road in
Brummie Nick's picture. I wonder if you have a picture of the cafe
and the Elite taken from the other side of Bordesley Green. When
I lived over the cafe/shop it was a retail and wholesale tobacconists
called Walker and Walker.

Kind regards

Dave & Co,

Thanks for putting me right about the Elite Cinema and Billiard Hall, I remember it well now. When I was there the triancle in front of the Post Office was basically a triangular traffic island with underground public toilets which weere somewhat smelly.

Old Boy
Hi Col H

That's a great picture of Bordesley Green just before the lights at
the junction of Bordesley Green Road and Victoria Street. Do you remember the Douro Wine Store had an illuminated sign over the
entrance in the 1960s which was yellow with the black silhouette
of a caped man with a broad hat. I'm not sure now whether it was
their own sign or that of Sandeman Port. The remains of the Elite
cinema was behind the hoarding on the corner of Crown Road in
Brummie Nick's picture. I wonder if you have a picture of the cafe
and the Elite taken from the other side of Bordesley Green. When
I lived over the cafe/shop it was a retail and wholesale tobacconists
called Walker and Walker.

Kind regards


I can remember it being aeither a printers, or maybe a signwriters, something like that anyway.
Dave & Co,

Thanks for putting me right about the Elite Cinema and Billiard Hall, I remember it well now. When I was there the triancle in front of the Post Office was basically a triangular traffic island with underground public toilets which weere somewhat smelly.

Old Boy

Looked a bit like this, shame its such a poor picture.
What is puzzling me is the building lying back on the right hand side with a bit of a hedge in front. It looks as though it could be a church or chapel but I cannot remember it although I was born and grew up in the area. Can anyone put me out of my misery?

Methodist Church, by the mid 60s it was a warehoude for a sweets manufacturer.

On this thread, there's a pic of the snooker hall taken with my back to the church and looking across the triangle of wasteland.
