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Bordesley Green Fire Station

  • Thread starter Thread starter furnier5
  • Start date Start date


During the 50's, 60's and early 70's my family lived in the Station House at Bordesley Green Fire Station. As is often the case, no-one gave a thought to taking photos at the time, so I am putting out an 'All Stations alert' to anyone who has photos of the Fire Station (front or rear) or of its flats and tower before they and the Station House were demolished. Any help here would be very much appreciated.
furnier5, If the fire station you are refering to is next to a police station i passed it this morning its still standing but is now used as doubling glazing shop, the police station is still operational.
Hi all, thanks for your responses.

What remains of the Fire Station complex (as seen in Posties photo) is half of the original building that fronted on to Bordesley Green – the other half being the Station House (where I lived). This occupied just over half of the gap you can see between the surviving building and the Police Station. Next to that was a gateway/entrance between the Station House and the Police Station just wide enough for a tender to pass through and which gave access to the exercise yard at the rear.

Directly opposite the gateway/entrance and adjacent to the rear of the Police Station was an ambulance shed with a small block of flats off to the right of it. To the right of the exercise yard was the tower, and behind that a garage that housed a Green Goddess.

On the further side of the remaining building (where the traffic lights now are) was a small stores room and a large ambulance bay which could house several ambulances – though fell out of use in the mid sixties and was left abandoned (corking place for kids to play though).
Ah well, this will probably suit you better, then
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Good grief, Postie - where on Earth did you find this gem? I am in awe :shock:

I would think this pic was taken just after the Police and Fire Stations were opened as I don't think they had the wooden gates for long.

Many thanks - and if you come across any more...... (grovel, grovel).
Related to Posties pics, but not the firestation, here's a pic of a 'Specials Parade' at Bordesley Green PS in 1958. Taken in the yard on the left side of the PS.

Blimey, Icarus, I would have been three then! The pic looks like it was taken half-way between the Police Station s forefront and the stable block at the rear of the building. As kids we often toddled round to the stable block to see the horses (usually two of them) – the officers there (who were golden) had a tack/restroom that had a huge window which overlooked the yard at the rear of the Fire Stations flats.
You're right, Furnier5, the pic was taken exactly where you state. The restroom at the back had a small kitchen where I would visit after a 4-hour beat tour to pick up my reward .... 2/6 worth of chocolate! :beam: There was a snooker room upstairs where I spent many a happy hour.
I Think The Fire Service Men Are Brilliant And Corageous Bunch Of Men, Oh.
I Must,nt Forget The Females ,Now
But Its Also Brilliant To Know How They Can Help Police In Matters Of Crime
For Assisting The Police , For Cases Such As Arson ,Insurance Fraud ,
And Including Murder , Like The Case Of Mrs Mary Curly
Of Peel Street Winson Green Many Years Ago ,Where Upon She Was Murdered In Her Own Home And Put Her On Her Own Bed By The Murderer ,
And He Set Fire To Her And Her Bed , Luckly The Fire Have Advanced In Technoly To Detect These Things The Culprit Was ApprehendedAnd Sent To Jail I Take My Hat Off To These Guys ,
Best Wishes ASTONIAN ,
Hi - my Aunt - Ruby Maddox served the BFB/West Midland Fire Service from being called up in the war right through till retirement at 60! She worked in sites and buildings at Central Fire Station. I grew up with the family of BFB. My Aunt was stationed at Bordesley Green till she was deployed to Portsmouth. When I was 5 I took 2 younger kids to see the fire engines there from Baker st! I was in a bit of trouble for this - don't know why, I wasn't lost and I brought them home again! Fond memories - not just a building! Loved reading this thread!
Jan Hedger
Hi everyone - I wish I had found this thread a year or so ago when you were all talking, and I hope you come back to revisit this page. My father (Clive Charman) was posted to Bordesley Green Fire Station in Feb 1949 and he, my mum and my older brother Robert (Bob) moved into a flat on the station in November 1950. My sister Valerie was born on the station in Jan 1951. My Dad left the service in Feb '57 but my brother bob remembers great stories about what all the kids used to get up to playing around the fire station. Postie - it seems that your photos have been removed from this forum but I would love to see any photos that you have. We emigrated to Australia in 1964 and one day I hope to get back and explore all of these important places in my family's history....
Hey Postie - are you able to post the photos again. It looks like they have disapearred. My Dad was at the fire station from '49 - '57 and I would love to see some photos...POLICE STATION.jpg
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During the 50's, 60's and early 70's my family lived in the Station House at Bordesley Green Fire Station. As is often the case, no-one gave a thought to taking photos at the time, so I am putting out an 'All Stations alert' to anyone who has photos of the Fire Station (front or rear) or of its flats and tower before they and the Station House were demolished. Any help here would be very much appreciated.
Hi i would of loved to of seen the photos. I too used to live there in the 70s. We moved 1976 when i was 11. I lived in flat 6. You must of moved before then because i remember the station house was left unoccupied for a long time. All the kids used to say it was haunted and dare me to go down the stinky cellar! We had some amazing times at the fire station. Round the back of the flats is where we played. There was a coal shed too, just after the bins. I so wish i had photos myself.
Used to love watching the firemen having a drill in the tower. I used to climb onto the ambulance roof from the balcony and hop over to the next roof and look at the dogs they had. Often went round to the police station to ask to see the horses too! The police were so friendly. So many memories, so many fun times.
hi folks if possible could members who posted photos on this thread kindly re post them please

many thanks

hi folks if possible could members who posted photos on this thread kindly re post them please

many thanks


I think its so sad when I read the posts on our forum and realise there are so many photos that have been lost. I hope like you Lyn some may be reposted as time goes by, Wendy
hi wendy yes we lost over 66000 images when the forum was hacked by some idiot in 2011...many thousands have been replaced since then by the original posters and moderators if they still have them and are of course still members of the forum...but we are gettng there:)

I know it's a long shot to get the photos back on as it has been a lot of years since they were on here. Hopefully someone will. Fingers crossed. X
nice set of photos phil thanks also looks like the photo on post 14 has also been replaced

Were donkeys used to pull fire engines or other equipment in place of WW1 requisitioned horses ? Or did they carry out other duties ? Jenny looks like she might be carrying post perhaps? Not sure.
