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Bobby Budgie - An emotional Brummie says goodbye to his old friend


master brummie
May I share this with you all?

We're very sad at the moment because out little Bobby Budgie died last night, but it was such a strange experience leading up to it.

We had Bobby for over 10 years, and he was a wondeful companion. He could talk and his whistling was like that of a canary, because I used to spend ages with him teaching him new words and whistling in different fashions, including my own version of warbling.

In the last three months he was starting to look very old and had stopped talking and singing then, about 6 weeks ago we hit a crisis and thought he would not last the day. Fortunately the vet was able to see us immediately and I carefully lifted him out of his cage and into a shoe box and took him to the vet. The vet thought it was a digestive problem but also said there was what looked to be a growth. He gave him 'medicines' and, miraculously, Bobby picked up, although he never talked or sang again, but would cheep to us.

Yesterday evening he was more vocal than he'd been for a long time and he and I were whistling and responding to each other. We've recently taken to putting his cage on the floor by the french windows, because he enjoyed the sun there and would occasionally come out of his cage and have a walk on the floor. (He stopped flying months ago.) We even put a shaving mirror by the hearth and he used to go and stand by it.

However, something amazing happened. I was sitting at the computer in the adjoining room and he came down the small step into the room, something he never used to do. He then made his way to me and sat on my foot, looking up at me. I put my finger by him and he hopped on and sat for ages with me. Then he climbed up my arm and onto my shoulder and came right up by my face. We spent ages together before I put him back on the top of his cage , but he jumped off and came onto my foot again, asking to be picked up. When I eventually put him back on his cage he climbed back inside and sat on his perch.

When he was well, at night time as we were going to bed, we used to say, 'Goodnight Bobby Budgie,' and he used to cheep back, but since his illness he had stopped doing that. But last night we both said good night to him and he cheeped to both of us.

My wife found him lying on the floor of his cage this morning, but we can't get over how last night he seemed to be saying goodbye to us, as if he knew.

I'm not ashamed to say to say that tears are streaming down my face as I type this. I never knew how attached I could become to a budgie, but he was a real character and agreat companion.

We, and our children and grandchildren, will miss him greatly.

Thank you Bobby Budgie for being such a great part of our family. We will miss you.
oh god, now youve started me off. i know how attached you can be to a budgie as my family have had budgies over the years since i was small. they are just the same as any other living creature and have their own personality and talents. im so sorry for you and the family' and its amazing about bobby coming to you yesterday as if to say goodbye. all the best, shera
I am so sorry you have lost Bobby - it does sound as if he was saying goodbye to you yesterday, I think a lot of pets understand more than we think they do. As an animal lover who has had to say goodbye to many pets over the years I know how you are feeling. Take care
Oh Blacksmith. How we can echo how you feel on losing Bobbie.:crying2: We have had budgies too throughout our life, and they do so become close friends. I remember when I was little, we had a blue called Peter, and he was so much my budgie. One day he followed me out of doors and we thought we had lost him for good. In fact he was gone for several days. Then one day I was playing in the entry with the other kids, and I had to run to get the ball, and who should whistle to me but our beautiful Peter. We fetched the cage and he flew straight in.
They do so become part of the family, so I feel your loss too. I know there isn't a budgie heaven, but if there was, I'm sure he would be looking down on you. P.S. Dave and I wept buckets over our buck Rabbit.
Lynda :)
Blacksmith. Sorry to hear of the sad loss of Bobby the budgie. After having him with you all those years they become part of the family, so dont feel silly in showing your feelings for his passing. Its only natural. All the best for the future. Barry.
Blacksmith I am so sorry and no it's not silly to have become so attached to Bobby or to cry. You will miss him I am sure for some time to come and I wouldn't like to count the hours I have cried over my pets. Two years ago Chalkie our cockateal was singing his head off one minute and I went to put the kettle on and the next time I went back he was on the bottom of his cage. I even phoned Pete to come home from work but of course he couldn't. Maybe you could post a photo of Bobby when you are up to it as we would love to see it. Take care. Jean.
10 years is along time to have a pet in your life. You are understandably upset. I'm sure that you are right and he was saying goodbye. Take care
Sorry to hear about your loss, we had a really tame Budgie and you do become really attached to them, ours escaped, we tried buying another but it was never as tame as our first.
Blacksmith no wonder you are upset he was lovely. I remember years ago when this elderly lady had left the hairdresser after sobbing over the loss of her precious friend her budgie and the girls taking the P and guess what I never went back. I have my Chalkie buried just outside this window. Take care. Jean.
Blacksmith, I am so sorry to read about the lose of your beloved Bobby.

All pets are precious to their loving owners and, having lost our 2 darling cats last October, I can really understand the pain you are going through now.

I am sure you are right when you say Bobby came to say his goodbyes, a similar thing happened with one of our cats who came on my knee, curled up, licked my hand and slipped away.

You and your wife have my sincere sympathies
bobby is so beautiful. thanks for the lovely photos. its very difficult but i hope you can come to terms with your loss soon
So very sorry to hear of the loss of your little friend.

Remember - the pain we feel when they go is the price we pay for the great pleasure they give us. It's a price worth paying wouldn't you agree?
Yes, I agree entirely. I can't believe the pleasure that little bird gave me, and he loved the human contact and the attention I gave him. Even though he died two weeks ago, I still catch myself calling, "Goodnight Bobby Budgie," when I go to bed. - I guess I'm just a daft, sentimental old thing.
Yes, I agree entirely. I can't believe the pleasure that little bird gave me, and he loved the human contact and the attention I gave him. Even though he died two weeks ago, I still catch myself calling, "Goodnight Bobby Budgie," when I go to bed. - I guess I'm just a daft, sentimental old thing.
Have you thought of getting another one? - you could give a budgie such a good, loving home it seems such a shame not to have one. Some years ago I was extremely upset after both my cats died within weeks of each other - so upset I said I would never have another one but I did and I have never regretted it.
Take care
No, I don't think I'll have another. He was an adopted budgie really. My wife's mother lived with us and we got Bobby as company for her, but I spent a lot of time with him teaching him to talk and whistle in a variety of ways. When my mother-in-law died I just carried on with him as before, but even more so. He became a real companion, and his voice when he 'talked' sounded just like mine.

I was extremely upset when my dog died some years back and I guess I get too emotionally attached. I've always had pets of some sort, mainly dogs, but it hurts too much when they die.

I think I'll carry on getting a lot of pleasure from the wildlife that visits my garden. In that way, I can get the enjoyment without the heartbreak. Mind you, the wildlife is a lot more expensive than Bobby was with the quantities of bird and hedgehog food I buy.

Perhaps sometime, I'll put up a thread about some of the garden wildlife I enjoy so much. People don't tend to think of wildlife and the West Midland together, but our gardens are oases for incredible creatures.
That is the trouble with pets isn't it - they bring you a lot of joy but it is heartbreaking when they go.
I shall look forward to your thread on the wildlife in your garden. I used to have a hedghog in my garden but I haven't seen him for a while - I am hoping he comes back now the warmer weather is here. My sister has a fox in her garden - he curls up and goes to sleep in the sunshine and doesn't even move if they are out doing the gardening.