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Bloomsbury Street

proper brummie

proper brummie kid
I was born in bloomsbury st,in 1938,we lived in a yard just down from the pub
Turks head,next door there was a bike shop,Mac'gauleys,next door neighbours
were the Corcorans,who were scottish,two girls Alice and Betty and a lad,I
think his name was martin? there was a very old lady Mrs Winkett ,I used to take her accumulator (anyone remember them ?) to be charged up over the
horseroad to a shop Faulkners ,there was a family I think their name was
Bache the man of the house had a pigeon shed ,there was a family called
Cummings,the wall at the end was the Bloomsbury police station,opposite
our house across the road was a junk shop Harrisons? there was a shop that
sold lovely,crusty Hawleys bread the shop was Homers.
Cranberry street corner there was an outdoor run by two ladies,I think there
was a bottling plant (Deep rock springs to mind) about halfway along the street.
My finger is getting tired,never learnt how to type.
So its off to bed! will continue this saga tomorrow, goodnight!
does anyone remember or know anyone who lived in bloomsbury street nechells in the 1940's early 1950's i used to live at 4back 225 from 1940 to 1953 would love to hear from anyone

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Bloomsbury Street,

H Brian,, There are a few Bloomsbury Street= neighbours etc
on this site, the Nechells posh mob,, Pom Pom Gal down under N Z
is one of best of that bunch,, So expect some info soon :)

Best regards, Aston Rools K O, oops dyslexic John Y :cool:

does anyone remember or know anyone who lived in bloomsbury street nechells in the 1940's early 1950's i used to live at 4back 225 from 1940 to 1953 would love to hear from anyone

i lived up the road in Cromwell street in fact i was born there, went to lox ton street infants and juniors then to Charles Arthur street for a time.
i,m sure you,ll find what you,re looking for regards dereklcg.
ps thought you mite like the photo if you hav,nt seen it
Peel Street Winson Green

I Spent Alot Of Time DownAnd Around Down In The Winson Gren AREA
And I Got To Know Quite Alot Of Familys Espeacialy In Peel Street
Which Is Only About Two Hundred Yards FromThe Prison [ No I,ve Not Been
Inside There,Nor I Intend To Do So But I Did Know A Girl Whom Father Worked There ,At The Time Of The Train Robbers Was Kept In There]
Any Way Getting Back To My Subject, What I Would Like To Know Is
Where Did The Street Name Come From,I,M Sure There Was A Pub Called Robert Peel In The Street , So Was There Any Connection To Robert Peel The Founder Of The Police Force, --- Did He Ever Open It Or Visit It ? <
Here Are Afew Names Of MyFamilys I Remember
Wildman,Williams s Kennedys Hicks ,Davies s Whitworths Just Afew
That Spring To Mind , The Street IS At The Junction Of Winson Green Rd
Next To The Smiths Arms , Its Now Called The Old Smithy My Old Dutchess,s Uncle Used To Run It In The 70.s He Used To Run A Church Social In Hunters RD Hockley Brook Before The Smithy
Best Wishes To You All Astonian ,;;;
Listed Buildings

Hello Dereklcg, are those two shops on your photograph listed buildings, i think they look absolutely wondeful..........:)Cat
Derek. Only just noticed you went to Loxton St. infants & juniors. so did I. I was there from 1954-1964. Great, wasnt it ? Barry.
Listed Buildings

Hello Catkin

The buidings were certainly listing a bit on that photo, If I remember correctly they are long gone.

Thank You

Hello PMC,:) thank you for the information, but how sad........Cat:(
am i seeing things

I have just noticed, is that an elderly gent in the doorway, i also note that there are curtains on the windows on that side, wonder if they waited for him to depart before they pulled them down.....Cat:)
I Can Recall The Sreet In The Forties And Fifties
And I Can Recall Two Old Friends That Spring To My Mind
And They Are The Whill,s FamilyAnd My Old Friends The Cummings Family
Dennis Was The Fastest Kid On The Block For Running
I Could Never Beat Him He Was Big Athletic Kid
Nice Pic By The Way Brought Some Memories Flooding Back ,--- Nice ne
Best Wishes Astonian ,;;;;
Re: nechells

does anyone remember or know anyone who lived in bloomsbury street nechells in the 1940's early 1950's i used to live at 4back 225 from 1940 to 1953 would love to hear from anyone

i lived up the road in Cromwell street in fact i was born there, went to lox ton street infants and juniors then to Charles Arthur street for a time.
i,m sure you,ll find what you,re looking for regards dereklcg.
ps thought you mite like the photo if you hav,nt seen it
hi dereklcg; sorry took so long to reply great photo i am sure i can remember the flats being built the thing that comes into my mind was the consant thumping of the pile drivers for the foundations Brian Baker:rolleyes:
Brian, There are a great number of posts and pictures on the forum about the area you are asking about ...
Just type NECHELLS into the search box at the top of the page and heaps will appear for you to browse through at your leisure.

Pom :angel:
Hi Brian,

Was reading your thread and i think my gr grandma Baker died in Bloomsbury Street her name was Ethel nee Clayton and she married George John Baker any relation to ure Baker's.

Hi Paula 1964 it does not look as if we are of the same family line my great grand parents where Goerge Baker of Wellebourne Warwickshire g gandmother Sarah Baker nee Powell of great Aline Warwickshire i lived in Bloomsbury street and my name then was Cartwright from 1940 to 1953 and i had grand parents living in lingard street George Baker wife Annie Baker nee Marshall doe's any of this ring any bell's hope to hear from you

Hi Brian,

Thanks for replying i will get my folder out and have a look at what names i have i do know my George and Frederick Baker were born in Banbury Oxfordshire and moved to Birmingham.

You mention Linguard Street we had relatives living there aswell but i think they may have been the Boulton side of my family.

I will get back to you soon regarding the Baker's when i have sorted my folder out as you probaly know there was a few Baker's living in that area, but they did have children born in Birmingham so we may find a link somewhere.

Kind regards Paula