Oh yes the sugar coated fruit jellies ! Because mum worked in various local shops customers always bought her gifts, often a bottle of something alcoholic, chocolate liqueurs , fruit jellies, marzipan fruits, that sort of thing. They became a good follow up to the regular box of Roses or Quality Street, I clearly remember mum coming home with bags of gifts she’d been given. Don’t see it so much today.
I expect we got used to having ham as she worked for Bywaters for a while. Must have kept it going when she left. Remember the smell of it boiling in spices and mustard. Then in the oven to finish it off. I also remember mum telling me her mum used to cure hams in her cellar, one being kept for Christmas. So that could be why she cooked ham for us at Christmas - keeping up her family tradition, but modified as we never had a cellar.
I also notice no chocolate logs on the 1970s list. Again we had them quite often as mum ran a bread shop. We always took it for granted we’d have this as mum had her network of shop contacts and grateful customers. Viv.