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Blackham, holloway head


master brummie
I wonder if someone can help - in 1869 my gt.uncle John Blackham was a manufacturer of 'spike,staple & nail heads' at ct4.Hill St. - he also was a shopkeeper at 13 Holloway Head. Can anyone tell me what he sold in the shop. Thank you in advance.
More than likely, spike,staple & nail heads! Have a look in a Kellys Directory for that year
Hi Sheri,

The 1861 Census shows this as a provisions shop, but not in the name of Blackham. The 1867 Post Office Directory has no entry for number 13 and the 1871 Census has neither numbers for Holloway Head nor a shop in that name, though Blackham is shown living in the Court. It would seem that a trip to Birmingham Central Library might be the only way to resolve this. :(
Hi malvern & sospiri, thanks very much for your help. I got the info that John Blackham was a shopkeeper at 13 Holloway Head from White's Directory of B 'ham 1869 but it didn't say what was sold there. As I live in London it's not possible for me to visit the library very often.
The 1862 Corporation directory has 3 john Blackhams : Harness plater 85.1/2 Barr st, residence 250 gt king st; another at 12 new inkleys (between hill st and suffolk st), shopkeeper; and a third at 160 Hockley (Gt hampton st) tobaconist.
The 1873 Whites shows he was a brassfounder's ironwork maker, still at ct 4 Hill st. 13 holloway head was a mrs sarah gilbert, shopkeeper
The 1876, 1880 Kellys shows him still at ct4 spike and staplemaker
1884 spike maker 316 bradford st
no mention 1888
There are several other mentions of a John BVlackham ,shopkeeper. I don't think they are the same as the staple maker ..etc.
I'm inclined to think you are correct Mike. The 1871 Census shows two John Blackhams living in Court 4 - a 20 year old ivory & bone turner living with his wife Julia in number 2 house, and we 47 year old John Blackham, a plated head nail maker employing 6 girls, ling with his family in number 3 house. They were most likely father and son and its quite possible that the son ran the shop for a short time.

There was a 25 year old bricklayer of the same name living in Heath Street and a 34 year old artist of that name living in Norton Street as well. Take your pick!:)
good morning Mikejee and Sospiri, Thank you so much for the info - you are right the spike & staple maker is my great uncle & the ivory turner is his son - who died by age 40? - so JB must have taken on the shop when he was older - he'd died by 1891. The problem with this family thay causes confusion that so many were called John. Once again thanks for you help.