The 1862 Corporation directory has 3 john Blackhams : Harness plater 85.1/2 Barr st, residence 250 gt king st; another at 12 new inkleys (between hill st and suffolk st), shopkeeper; and a third at 160 Hockley (Gt hampton st) tobaconist.
The 1873 Whites shows he was a brassfounder's ironwork maker, still at ct 4 Hill st. 13 holloway head was a mrs sarah gilbert, shopkeeper
The 1876, 1880 Kellys shows him still at ct4 spike and staplemaker
1884 spike maker 316 bradford st
no mention 1888
There are several other mentions of a John BVlackham ,shopkeeper. I don't think they are the same as the staple maker ..etc.