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Birmingham Settlement


master brummie
Whilst rummaging threw some olds photos for my family history i found some photos of a day out and a football team, my nan said they were from the Settlement (a kind of youth group she attended), did anyone else go there or have any memories of it? many thanks :)
Peter said the Settlement was towards town Claire and it was a place where you could just drop in. Will ask his older brother as he may remember a little more. Pete thinks it was just off Summer lane. Bye. Jean.
That sounds about right Jean as Nan lived just off Summer Lane, her memory isn't what it was and i didn't like to push her more on the subject. I will have to get the pictures and post them when i can :)
Thanks Phyl. Claire Pete said he was a member of Curl Hall just round the corner from the Settlement and they used to have table tennis matches against them. There is a settlement charity shop in Sutton Coldfield just down from the Picture House. Jean.
Claire - There are lots of photos of The Settlement in the book "Newtown and Summer Lane" in the Images of England series.

hi claire..i have a book on the settlement to celebrate its 100th year...

I will have to try and get a copy of the book Jayell, be intersting to see.

Lyn pretty please can you bring it the Jewellery Quarter meet up so i can have a nosey :)
claire i was just going to ask if you wanted a lend of it...lol...

now all i have to do is find it....

just had a quick scan for it...i think our kid has it...will sort it out dont worry....

I would'nt know if it is connected but there is a Settlement Charity shop on the Harborne High Street.
could be stitch..we have 7 charity shops within a five min walk by us...theres more of them than normal shops now....just lost the butchers.....

I haven't been to Harborne in years, last time i saw it a few years ago it had drastically changed. I'm going to print those pics off and show them to Nan, she has Alzhiemers but it may jog something :)
We used to go to the Settlement Club on Kingstanding Road and I can remember a sports day at Perry Bar park.

I had only just joined, never done any sports before but got put into the relay race, long jump and high jump, came about last in all of them. E.
claire..about what year would you say your nan went to the settlement...did she live by summer lane then..

Eric could that be what is now the 610 club. It has various clubs football oaps karate and the list goes on. Will check it out for you. Jean.
Well it's all about the taking part Eric and good for you for getting stuck in.

Nan was born 1926 so i'd assume late 30's early 40's Lyn, I dont know if there was an age restriction? she was born in Gooch Street but then moved to just off Summer Lane, she also lived at New John Street, Wheeler Street, Burberry Street and Great Russell Street, her family was also on Brearley Street and surrounding streets, the area is probably very different now to when she grew up so old pics are great, so i can see what it was like and also hopefully help Nans memory :)
I am sure I remember my nan going to the Birmingham Settlement. I wonder if this would be the same place. I have no idea where it was. She lived in Burbury Street, Lozells. But when she went there it would have been in the late 1970's or early '80's and she would have been 70 or 80 years of age. I only have hazy memories of this so may be entirely wrong. Did they have social gatherings say once a week or once a month for the elderly? I know she also went to the Wallace Lawler centre (unsure of spelling) which I think was on Wheeler Street.
claire...all those streets you mentioned except for gooch my ancesters also lived so there are pics of them on the forum..you have prob seen them already....will look out for some more for you....and i will bring that book on the 27th....

Jules it was probably the one my Nan went to as the roads are the same.

Lyn that would be great, i have seen some and showed my mom but some of them are tucked into threads that are so long i just dont have the time to search each page :(
I used to go the Birmingham Settlement youth club, it was about 1959 ish, it was absolutely great its a pity more kids these days don't go to youth clubs. We used to go camping, play table tennis, play music, dance. It is where I met my husband Tony McMullen we have been married for nearly 44 yrs in Nov. Yes it is in Summer Lane by the Box Carton factory.
Hi Claire
I used to attend a tap and ballet class in a church hall in Farm St and often did shows at the settlement early 50's
also sang (badly) and in my teens used to go to the youth club there for a jive,The Settlement was in Summer lane big building on the corner, cannot for the life of me think of the name of the other street it was on, unfortunatly did not have any photos of the shows I was in.but oh the memories.I did email the Settlement two years ago to see if they had old photos but no luck, its nice to hear its still being used
Hi Claire i used to go to the Settlement in summer Lane.my brother charlie used to do boxing their. it was a great youth club.my brother had a house a couple of doors away from the club.
i also went to Kyrl hall.that's were i met the miss's.