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Birmingham Mint


master brummie
I see in the news that the Birmingham Mint is moving out of Brum into Kidderminster. Another great Birmingham institution gone. I wonder why?:explode:

Apparently the company/one of the companies that took it over when it went into liquidation already has offices in Kidderminster. Also it says it is a new build which will be ideal as you need a dust free/clean environment for minting. It is such a shame that it is moving:( but at least it was rescued and it will keep the name Birmingham Mint.
its a shame to see it move from brum:( but as you say pol at least the name of the birmingham mint will remain...once again we have to be graceful for that:)

The chap was on WM the other day. He said exactly what Pol has written. They work very closely with an artist designer in the Jewellery Quarter so still have strong links to the area. The problem is they are now competing with China for their work. I am so pleased they are minting the new commemorative coin for William and Cathrine. Why does everything have to come from China...cost I suppose. Why don't the government look at the bigger picture not just the initial cost but creating manufacturing and jobs....I think we have lost the plot!!
I'm surprised that the Birmingham Mint were doing anything - I thought the Icknield Street premises closed down about 7 years ago.

Big Gee
They are in Kidderminster now but have retained the name if you read the thread it explains. The Mint in Ickneild Street is long gone demolished last year. They are building exclusive appartments there I think.
Right-o, my mistake! My dad installed annealing furnaces at the Mint during the 60's, and I used to supply felt for polishing. It was always an interesting place to visit, but my wife would disagree as they turned her down when she applied for a receptionist's job!!

Big Gee
Have they demolished the whole building? I remember passing it on a visit to Key Hill - I thought it was beautiful. I am surprised it wasn't listed.
According to Wikipedia it's being converted into apartments, but at least two of the developers involved have gone bust!

Big Gee
The frontage is still there in icknield st, but everything behind has been demolished and new apartments are being built. latest developersv are cracking on to get some ready for occupation to bring in the cash to finish the rest.
You get a nice view stright into the top floor flats from the cemetery.
If you stand next to the wall behind the mint, you can almost shake hands with them!
Thanks Brian - I think you should get one when they are available - you practically live in the cemetery anyway lol
Perhaps you could take a photo next time you are down there so we can see what they are doing to the building/site?:)
I grew up practically next door to the Birmingham Mint, so was very sad to see it go too.
Birmingham Planning ref: 2011/03395/PA - Former Birmingham Mint, Ickneild Street Birmingham - Listed Building Comments Requested

Buisnesses around the Jewellery Quarter have just received a planning notification letter asking for comments before a decision is made about the

"listed building consent for erection of 3 storey appartment block accomodating 8 two bedroom units and 2 1 bedroom units with associated parking, external works, 2 sub stations and plumbing station"

www.birmingham.gov.uk/planningonline to view the plans and comment by 12 July 2011 before the final decision is made by the Planning Dept.

Birmingham Planning ref: 2011/03395/PA - Former Birmingham Mint, Ickneild Street Birmingham - Listed Building Comments Requested

Buisnesses around the Jewellery Quarter have just received a planning notification letter asking for comments before a decision is made about the

"listed building consent for erection of 3 storey appartment block accomodating 8 two bedroom units and 2 1 bedroom units with associated parking, external works, 2 sub stations and plumbing station"

www.birmingham.gov.uk/planningonline to view the plans and comment by 12 July 2011 before the final decision is made by the Planning Dept.

Would this be a new planning application,revision of the existing,or the completion of the work that stopped some 18 months ago??Dek
Anyone know what a plumbing station is? Surely not architect's speak for a water tank and pump
Mike I've never heard of a "plumbing station", I wonder if is a typo or spelling mistake and it's supposed to be pumping station?

View attachment 69167 Slightly left of previous shot - shows the 2 separate rear blocks of apartments. In the centre is the rear of the block that faces onto the street and has retained the original frontage.
The area in the foreground is where 2 rows of unmarked Public graves lie. The area was used for many years as a compost area. It has only recently noted that there are graves in this area - a bit of raking required soon!
Met a chap a while ago who worked in the mint in the late '50's.

They had extended the basement under the cemetery but had fitted a wooden roof!
One night it caved in during the shift - lots of noise, dirt, boxes, bones etc came crashing in - They never stopped running until they were safe inside the Pub, where they remained!
View attachment 69209 looking down from cemetery - the vaulted roofs are under Pemberton St - the buildings above it have all been demolished exposing a concrete 'raft' a few inches thick - glad I didn't have property that side of the street!
I have a rare book, "A Numismatic History of the Birmingham mint" it shows photo's of all the coins made by Heatons mint for countries all over the world., Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, India, Mombasa, China, European, African and South American countries, the list goes on to cover just about everywhere.

There are details of how many coins were actually struck, where they were sent etc. Sometimes the mint supplied just the dies and blanks, sometimes the machinery to mint them together with operatives from the mint to teach them how to set up the machinery etc. A fascinating book if you collect coins. They were contracted to supply an entire mint to Burma, 1864 the Birmingham mint received a contract from the government of Burma to supply a complete mint including buildings, 1200 dies, minting equipment and start up supervision to train the locals to run it. The mint reached the royal capital Mandalay in February 1865 and it was up and running on 11th November 1865