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Birmingham Factories in the War


proper brummie kid
I am compiling an index of factories/companies which contributed to the war effort. I need to know the correct way of presenting the following (i.e. are they co-limited or what?)

1) Masters and (or is it &?) Son of West Bromwich
2) Messenger and (&?) Sons of Greet
3) SU Carburettors

A bit outside our area I know; I need to know the correct title for Oram who had a factory in Newton Road, Nuneaton. I believe they were to do with Armstrong-Whitworth.

Thanks in anticipation...
This is the listing in Kellys Birmingham directory for 1944
Messenger & Sons (Birmingham) Ltd. fittings for gas cookers, hot brass pressings, Percy road, Greet 11.TA "Messengers, Birmingham; " TN's Victoria 1071 & 1072
and this is a Kellys Staffs directory for 1940
Masters Thos. & Son, iron founders, Kenrick st. T N1154
Don't know if they are any help
Thank you. The Messenger & Sons is a definite confirmation. From what you quote I cannot be certain that the Masters Thos. & Son is the same outfit as at West Bromwich. Don't understand what Kenrick sfc means.....