hello all
i am searching for anything on a Thomas Bird who on the 3rd january 1845in the Birmingham Boro session at age 14 was tried and convicted and given 7 years transportation
i think he was sent to Millbank prison then to Parkhurst and in 1848 was sent to West Australia on the ship Orient .Can anyone shed some light on to a date of birth or place of residence which will tell me which is the right one
I have found him on some family trees but with different dates of birth and parents.
22 march 1833 or 1834 parents Thomas and Ann
2 august 1830 this could be the christening with DB 23 march 1830 Thomas and Caroline
1831 is another year mentioned father James
He is listed as a castor maker
i am searching for anything on a Thomas Bird who on the 3rd january 1845in the Birmingham Boro session at age 14 was tried and convicted and given 7 years transportation
i think he was sent to Millbank prison then to Parkhurst and in 1848 was sent to West Australia on the ship Orient .Can anyone shed some light on to a date of birth or place of residence which will tell me which is the right one
I have found him on some family trees but with different dates of birth and parents.
22 march 1833 or 1834 parents Thomas and Ann
2 august 1830 this could be the christening with DB 23 march 1830 Thomas and Caroline
1831 is another year mentioned father James
He is listed as a castor maker