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Beyond The Veil


master brummie
Beyond The Veil

During my meditation I have travelled through my mind
In search of this my own spirit where and how
Would I Find it hidden within this body of mine
Could it be hidden deep within me transparent Unseen
Even to my view or could it’s home be found in my heart
Then I heard a voice say start at the beginning
But where would this beginning be for me
Then the mist and the darkness was lifted
My mind became crystal clear all was there revealed
For me to see for I was watching my very own conception
Two cells becoming as one and that they contained my D.N.A
The building blocks of my life, The blue print of my life
Was there like a computer program waiting to commence
It’s growing process for these cells contained the information
Of what I what I was to become, they knew what sex I was
What colour my eyes would be, what the colour of my hair
Would be and all this was taking place in my mothers womb
Here I would grow and develop safe and secure nurtured
Protected from the out side world, it was then that I realized
My spirit it grew with me for it was in every cell of my being
Recording every detail of my life's progress as it formed
Taking on it’s body’s shape the miracle of my birth
My life was unfolding before my very eyes till the time came
For me to enter into this world from my mothers womb
The day had come for me to emerge from my safe haven
And to start my journey in this world where I would learn and
Experience all that was good and evil now I would face and feel
All that this world had to offer me as I progressed through life
For now I know that I am spirit I no longer search for myself
Because I know that my spirit and myself are as one

Poem by R.F.Horton :idea: :iccle-angel:
Wow Reggie, love it. I told you that you are much too sensitive for those menfolk. I wonder just how much is determined before we are born, except the colour of our eyes and hair, and how much by our upbringing and environment. My son is the very image of his late grandfather, blue eyes, very blonde hair and he even has the mannerisms, just little things which remind me every time I look at him.
Keep 'em coming.
Nectar of the Gods

Grace your words are like Ambrosia to my ears maybe my spirit meant me to write this poem who knows I wait in anticipation wondering if other may write me such words as yours Grace
God Bless You
Reggie :oops: :angel:
Don't wait for those BARmen Reggie. They think Ambrosia is rice pudding. So uncouth :roll: